Artist/designer materials in BA


Apr 28, 2011
Hi, I have recently begun a fashion design job here in BA and need to get my hands on all the materials i need. Two shops i need are:

1 - One selling art materials like sketchbooks, pencils etc
2 - One selling materials for pattern-cutting and sewing such as good fabric scissors, threads, specific rulers, tape measures, big rolls of paper for pattern-cutting etc

Please help!
Preferably somewhere close to San Telmo would be best but i am willing to travel to anywhere that can offer me the best options!
1. Look for "librerias artisticas" such as leidi, rubens, thesis, or theorema.
2. Go to once neigbourhood, once there, walk around Lavalle street near Avenida Pueyrredon.

You might check at the libreria artistica for "papel de escenografia" which is very similar to the paper for pattern-cutting and very affordable. It cames in big rolls too.

You will have an easy commute from San Telmo.
You should be able to find sketchbooks and drawing pencils in a libreria. They're scattered all over town, so just start looking around and asking in your neighborhood and you'll be sure to find one.

The sure thing zone for sewing supplies would be a mercería (a notions store which will sell thread, etc.) on Lavalle--all the fabric stores and mercerías will be between Azcuenaga and Pueyrredon. I don't know about the big rolls of paper, but if you start your search there you should be good.

If you can't find what you need, why not ask your place of employment for recommendations?
Yep, you'd think it would be easy to ask my employees but the company is very new and as a result i'm the first designer/pattern-cutter they are employing!

Thanks for the tips guys :)