As of April 8, flu vaccination in CABA available to seniors over age 65

- This vaccination program was put on offer for seniors, 65 years and older and their calendar is based on the last number of the DNI.
So the easy get is your age and your DNI. You could easily pass by there and ask to be admitted. There wasn't a line to go in. There were three pleasant young women, one spoke English, just inside the door of the building who screened me. I would recommend you go and seek admittance and see how it goes.
- The pneumonia vaccination is called "Vacuna Neumococcia Conjugada 13-Valente" and listed as Antineumococcica Conjugada 13 Valente on the take away record they gave me. If that helps you sort it.
I'm not aware of a pneumonia other than a bacterial pneumonia, Suggest you Google it if any doubts.
Thanks! We can go over and see.

One more question (I exceeded my quota already, I know...), is the flu vaccine the tetravalent one?
Thanks! We can go over and see.
One more question (I exceeded my quota already, I know...), is the flu vaccine the tetravalent one?
It reads, if this helps: VIRAFLU Vacuna anti-influenza Antigenics de superficie inactivados. CEPAS OMS/TEMPORADO 2020 Para Hemisfero Sud Elaborado en Snegium (sp?) BioTech SA Argentina
Hmm, according to this page (the Sinergium page is no use), all the Viraflu vaccines are trivalent:
That's a pity, if the vaccine was really in conformity with the WHO recommendations, as your text indicates, it should be tetra- (or quadri-) valent:
You have now exceeded your limit. Welcome to living in Argentina, outward bound flights available in September 2020.
Hmm, according to this page (the Sinergium page is no use), all the Viraflu vaccines are trivalent:

That's a pity, if the vaccine was really in conformity with the WHO recommendations, as your text indicates, it should be tetra- (or quadri-) valent:
You can check out if pharmacies in your neighborhood have the quadri-valent vaccine and get it as private pay.
Johnny posted: I made it by my more reliable Farmacia Azul and got the shot. On Cordoba between Florida and San Martin. About $1,200p.
I missed Artisan's post above. Any news on where to get a flu shot? In the past I have just walked into a Farmacia Azul and presto-a shot. So far that is not working this time around.
You can check out the web pages of the vacunatorios: Stramboulian and Vacunar. Stramboulian is very good, that's where I had my vaccines in April.