Average monthly costs for electricity and gas...


Nov 7, 2008
Hola, I have been reading about all of the horror stories re: electricty and gas increases on the news. Any first hand experieinces? What is the average gas/ electricity bill you are paying in an apto. w/ calefon estufas etc...?

Were currently paying $40 usd for electricity and $20 Usd for gas.... for a 40 sq m apto.
Neil said:
Hola, I have been reading about all of the horror stories re: electricty and gas increases on the news. Any first hand experieinces? What is the average gas/ electricity bill you are paying in an apto. w/ calefon estufas etc...?

Were currently paying $40 usd for electricity and $20 Usd for gas.... for a 40 sq m apto.

The dollar amounts you are paying for gas and electricity are dollars? That doesn't sound right.

The gas rate here is expected to more than double next month. I have been paying less than $30 pesos every two months for a 2 bedroom apt. I do not have gas heat.

My electric bill also recently doubled... to a rate of about $35 dollars a month (using a/c as much as desired and usually falling asleep with the plasma TV on).

I have friends in the US who are paying several times that.

I have yet to find a US city with cost of living comparable to BA...or as desirable to live in at anywhere near what it costs to live here.
We´ve been paying 30 pesos every two months for both electric and gas...but we hear gas will be going up. I don´t know if we are included in this raise though, since we use very little gas...and I´m sure our electric will jump as we just got an air conditioner last week :)
If you can read the info that came with the last facutra you might be exempt..if your consumption is low enough.