Bach Flower theraphy


Jun 20, 2006
I like to highly recommend this service for anyone who needs help with any emotional or physical issue This is more effective than traditional theraphies (allopathia ) and goes to the problems not the symptoms.

Alejandra is an incredible person and will diagnose your problems and create a special diet and flower theraphy to combine together. She will come to your home or you can visit her at her very nice consulting rooms on Sargento Cabral Retiro .
Las entrevistas son en consultorio o a domicilio.
4325 6643
15 4 025 0621
[email protected].

Floral Therapy Bioenergía Diets based on Ayurveda medicine The Flowers of bach allow us to carry out an inner work function, from which we found the way to the self-realization. When taking place an emotional imbalance, we sicken our body. The objective of this one therapy is to return, through natural elements, to full balance of our emotional system .Through the Therapy bioenergetics, they harmonize chakras, in order to work on the total development of the person. All living organism catches and emits an energy that is to him own; which can be oriented towards the own destruction or made its development total. We can, by means of special techniques, to canalize the energy in suitable form, so that it influences positively in the power upheavals of the body. From the Ayurvedica perspective, the food is a medicine. A healthful feeding increases the energy levels psychic and physical, it improves the way in which the body works, it reinforces the immunological system and it prevents the increase of weight. The diets are based on combining foods according to the personality of the individual, to obtain a well-being that repels in all the functions of its life.

Nanas de cebolla, Terapia Floral
Dietas basadas en medicina Ayurveda

Las Flores de bach nos permiten realizar un trabajo interno, a partir del cual encontramos el camino a la autorealización.

Al producirse un desequilibrio emocional, enfermamos nuestro cuerpo.
El objetivo de ésta terapia es volver, atraves de elementos naturales, a uno mismo.

A través de la Terapia bioenergética, se armonizan los chakras, con la finalidad de trabajar sobre el desarrollo pleno de la persona.
Todo organismo viviente capta y emite una energía que le es propia; la cual puede estar orientada hacia la propia destrucción o hacía su desarrollo pleno.
Podemos, mediante técnicas especiales, canalizar la energía en forma adecuada, de manera que influya positivamente en los trastornos energéticos del cuerpo.

Desde la perspectiva Ayurvedica, el alimento es un medicamento.
Una alimentación saludable aumenta los niveles de energía anímica y física, mejora la manera en que el cuerpo funciona, refuerza el sistema inmunológico e impide el aumento de peso. Las dietas se basan en combinar los alimentos de acuerdo a la personalidad del individuo, para lograr un bienestar que repercuta en todas las funciones de su vida.

Las entrevistas son en consultorio o a domicilio.
4325 6643
15 4 025 0621
[email protected].