Dear Jim or should I call you "brainbaires",
It's sad that it took me having to write a negative post about your company before you paid us any attention. Sorry, but you and your company deserve everything I said in my post. I take nothing back. I stand by my post 100%. If you have a problem or a solution then give me a call. But I know you will not. You will continue to ignore the situation and deny everything as you have done for months.
Think about it, we have better things to do with our time than write negative posts. I would only write such a post because I felt compelled to do so, nothing more. You left me no other choice.
The fact that you would come onto this thread and say that we wanted free and illegal services is a complete lie and a falsification of the truth. We only wanted what was right and what we paid for. It is also disgusting that you would try and spin the situation as if you are the victim and did nothing wrong. You know what you did and you know how you responded. Shame on you. You should have handled the situation like a courteous professional instead of being an arrogant snob who believes he is doing his clients a favor.
Think about this as well, for every one person that takes the time to write a negative review, how many other dissatisfied customers have there been who simply didn't take the time?
Common sense and honesty will most definitely win in the end - that's the reason I wrote my post. Anybody on this board is welcome to contact me and I will explain the full details about our horrible experience.
By the way, thanks for the "legal advise". We do know what we're talking about and do have the evidence to back it up. So if you want to sue somebody, be our guest. We'll be sitting by our phone waiting to hear from your lawyer.
Also, the fact that you would create a new user id "brainbaires" to give yourself support, shows just how low you are. Fortunately, everybody can see that it is the same person writing those posts. You are fooling nobody.