Bicycling in BA

So, I understand Buenos Aires has a great system of bike lanes. But also some really bad car drivers. Would you recommend a bike or e-bike as a primary mode of transportation? Or am I likely to get run down like a dog?😉
I enjoy biking, and it's great exercise for my old heart.
Don’t get an e-bike. They’ll steal it. Not even a fancy bike that’ll grab any attention. Keep it low. 3 years ago they’ve killed a guy in Puerto Madero to take his bike.
BsAs best possible city for cycling. Flat and many bike lanes. I commute everywhere by bike. But be careful. Drivers really don’t care about you!
In the USA I would commute to work, 11 miles each way, on regular roadways, a few times a week during summer I am older now, and I would never consider biking in Bs. As. The vehicle drivers are too negligent in Bs. As. The traffic signals are ineffective, nonexistent, or ignored. I have seen so many motos down in the middle of an intersection. You can have a thousand bike rides that bring health benefits and effective transportation, but it only takes one incident to cause permanent injury. I would much rather identify as a very timid, scared, less than a man individual, than have screws or pins in my bones, fewer teeth, and even more mental challenges than I experience at present. If you bike, wear a helmet, it could save your life, to which I can personally attest.
In the USA I would commute to work, 11 miles each way, on regular roadways, a few times a week during summer I am older now, and I would never consider biking in Bs. As. The vehicle drivers are too negligent in Bs. As. The traffic signals are ineffective, nonexistent, or ignored. I have seen so many motos down in the middle of an intersection. You can have a thousand bike rides that bring health benefits and effective transportation, but it only takes one incident to cause permanent injury. I would much rather identify as a very timid, scared, less than a man individual, than have screws or pins in my bones, fewer teeth, and even more mental challenges than I experience at present. If you bike, wear a helmet, it could save your life, to which I can personally attest.
Between bikes, motos and skateboards, it's hard to determine which ones have a death wish.
In the USA I would commute to work, 11 miles each way, on regular roadways, a few times a week during summer I am older now, and I would never consider biking in Bs. As. The vehicle drivers are too negligent in Bs. As. The traffic signals are ineffective, nonexistent, or ignored. .....
In suburban Washington, DC, a friend's biking daughter was killed by a motorist while waiting for a traffic light to change. She was only 22.

All it takes is one drunk driver - plenty of those in the US.
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