Big Band Clubs In Bas

There is a Swing Dancing scene in BsAs.

My former roommate (short lesbian girl from North London with a weakness for slim hipped androgynous Chinese girls) was very big into that scene. She and her dance partner (a socially timid porteño Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor in desperate need of orthodontistry) used to practice up to 5 times a week (if I could tolerate it) and go to 2 or 3 dance nights per week.

However, they usually danced to recorded music or a 3 to 5 piece bluegrass swing ensemble with fiddle & standup bass occupying prominent positions in the band. I can recall going to one of their events and seeing a clarinet... though I might have seen a trumpet, but I honestly can't recall.

Look up "Swing Dancing Buenos Aires" and reach out to those people.

Suerte y besos chica
Check the city agenda for music, etc.

Big band, Saturday night at 20 hs. in Parque Centennario

And I thought your main reason for travel to Buenos Aires was to improve your tango dancing.
And I thought your main reason for travel to Buenos Aires was to improve your tango dancing.

It is. But I will have ample time (having no job) to do a lot of things too. Why not try different scenes? You're welcome to come!
I'm similar in outlook to you - here mainly for tango, but enjoy occasionally getting out to lindyhop for a change. There is definitely a scene here (including live bands). The calibre of dancers is nothing nothing llke the states of course (just like tango back home pales in comparison to here), but I've found the people friendly and enthusiastic. Simply look up the "Swing Argentina" group on Facebook for lots of listings. Enjoy!
\But I will have ample time (having no job)

What kind of job would you like to do, till we open the "Harem".

maybe we can guide you... (assuming you are really from a lebanon and this will be yr first visit here)
What kind of job would you like to do, till we open the "Harem".

maybe we can guide you... (assuming you are really from a lebanon and this will be yr first visit here)

Oh my god, bajo will have to pay a lot more than 50 for creating doubt in the minds of this forum :/
Ceviche, what kind of opportunities can you provide
Ceviche, what kind of opportunities can you provide

we can try to guide you on the right path... ( last time, I tried to assist the NZ lawyer, blokes hurled stones at me..but i will continue to try helping newbies like you)

we can assist you put yr rail on the tracks..hopefully.. in the right direction.. try us

tell us about your skills and what industries interest you..


before stones are hurled at me forewarned.

aa) its illegal to work on tourist visa
bb) Its illegal to do any business on a tourist visa
cc) Its illegal to overstay a tourist visa ( well...bajo cero will elaborate more appropariately on this one)
dd) its illegal to recieve paid employment or any money for any kind of work on a tourist visa
ee) Its illegal to work without a DNI or precaria

Having said the above, try us and maybe we can find some light for you in this dark tunnel.
Thank you ceviche what a kind soul. (I'm not sure that stone hurling was warranted?!)

Well let's see what skills I have..
I speak arabic and My previous line of work was in medical devices .

Maybe I could be a RECEPTIONIST at an international medical equipment company ! (Who cares abt that high level Ivy League degree anyway )