Blue Dollar - Over

From what I heard, the US is now recovering and taking the dollars (inflation) they exported back.So the dollar blue will go up unstoppably, beyond what the goverment does..

I'm not the brightest bulb on the tree, but I've read this sentence 4 times and I still can't figure out what the samhill it means. I understand the Arg gov't not being able to control the blue (to a degree[sup]1[/sup]). I understand the argument that the US economy is in recovery.[sup]2[/sup] But how are they "taking the dollars they exported back"[sup]3[/sup] and how is-- whatever that is-- related to inflation?

Matías you got some splainin to do...

[sup]1[/sup] they could easily institute stricter controls to eliminate the blue, but why should they?
[sup]2[/sup] It isn't
[sup]3[/sup] Is there some inverse QE programme I haven't heard of?
BTW as an addendum, it's not just Matías who needs to do some splainin, but the aggregate majority of this forum. The Blue has been an obsession with this forum, but even the most conservative estimates have it as under 10% of the ForEx transactions for ARS. So why the obsession with it when talking about the Arg economy as a whole?
BTW as an addendum, it's not just Matías who needs to do some splainin, but the aggregate majority of this forum. The Blue has been an obsession with this forum, but even the most conservative estimates have it as under 10% of the ForEx transactions for ARS. So why the obsession with it when talking about the Arg economy as a whole?

Well ... In my case it is 100% of my ForEx transactions! I experience the Arg economy as a whole with pesos purchased at the Blue rate.

BTW as an addendum, it's not just Matías who needs to do some splainin, but the aggregate majority of this forum. The Blue has been an obsession with this forum, but even the most conservative estimates have it as under 10% of the ForEx transactions for ARS. So why the obsession with it when talking about the Arg economy as a whole?
Because the majority of people on this board don't earn in pesos and live off their dollars. Which leads to a lot of disconnects. Case in point - had dinner with a friend last night. His comment "This place is really cheap, given how good the food is." Average main plate - $200 pesos. For him, $20 dollars, a total bargain. For me 200 pesos, not exactly what I would "cheap." (The food however, outstanding and worth every peso).