Boyfriend's Tourism Visa Rejected - Advice?


Oct 23, 2013
Hello all,

I'm new to this community and was directed here by a good friend to get your advice. My boyfriend and I moved here last October - I'm American, he's porteño. We bought tickets to go home to visit my family for Xmas. He had been living in the States for 5 years (4 yrs. university / 1 yr. pro golf) and returned unaware how to conduct himself in the Visa interview.

Apparently, he was rejected in that he violated the law of the OPT (a one-year extension after you receive your degree), because he "did not work in the field in which he received his degree" (business admin). He, instead, did a try at pro golf. However, he was "legally employed" with a country club and we can now get this documentation. He did not have it at the time of the interview.

I have heard that you have to wait 6 months to reapply? We purchased our tickets for December. Also, he gave all the details about our relationship (dating for 5 years, etc.) and they also claimed he was not connected enough to his country even though we have an apartment leased for 2 years and he is employed with a company.

Can anyone help me out here? Advice? We haven't done anything yet. I emailed the embassy this morning just to see what our next steps could be, but I don't really know what to do at all.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!