Time out has basically given up on Argentina, most of their stuff online is 2 years old.
I go out to see music, but not to drink, per se.
I use Vuenosaires quite a bit.
As far as the latest bars, Pickupthefork is good. The big new fad seems to be Speakeasies. And, of course, Beer. there are beer bars popping up everywhere, and they are all packed. Artesenal is taking over big time. Growler stations every two blocks.
Aly lists five or six hip new cocktail bars here-
Asia de Cuba seems pretty tacky to me.
If you like tacky, you should go for the real thing- Gong.
Dengue Dancing, which is usually 2 nights a month, starting around 2, is the BA equivalent of Andy Warhol holding court at Max's Kansas City- drag queens, lesbians, artists, beautiful loners, rock stars, and the strange night people you dont see in Puerto Madero. I think its on vacation right now- and the only way to find it is on facebook.
Which is true for most interesting nightlife here- nobody maintains a real website, nobody announces much in advance, and you have to surf facebook, find the sites for clubs and venues, and for individual musicians and scenemakers.
If it was easy, every place would be like Groove. And no hip bar or nightclub wants to be like Groove- thats the bridge and tunnel crowd from San Isidro, driving daddies BMW.