Buying a second-hand car

Have you thought about buying a car from a foreigner. It can take some wrangling with aduana but it is totally possible and there are often people who drive from the US/CAN all the way to Argentina (yep I am one of them).

Driving here is not that crazy here just different and you just need to learn their rules but once you understand them you will be fine. You can find people selling cars on craigslist and other sites that have brought them in from out of the country. The only thing is that you will have to sell that car to another foreigner and the temp permit expires every 8 months meaning you would have to drive to the border, leave and come back in to get another temp permit.

If you want more info please PM and I would be happy to give you more info.
kels said:
... there are often people who drive from the US/CAN all the way to Argentina (yep I am one of them).

to drive the whole PanAmericana I guess this will be about 10.000km (less the problem where PanAm not exist. As about that I think to ship the car from US to Argentina or maybe Chile would be a lot of cheaper. Isn't it so ?
my experience....the micros going to BA...I am in the front seat...on the auto pista
a bendy bus pulls out in front of the micros...the driver brakes hard and shouts at the
mother.....bendy pulls back into the lane....the driver...steaming chases mr bendy
swearing....gets there and I am going fucking hell he is about a foot away from his bus.....and they then joke man these people ars funcking mental
the driving test here is taken in a large parking lot behind the "test centre"
there are severel cones....placed in the lot that the drivers have to negociate and try park the car.....if they can do that they get a 007...a license to kill....
no many driving instrutors ..companies do you see Uk LOADS one can afford them.....
buenas suerte
Although the tramites involved in buying and selling cars here are a little formidable and archaic, the checks that are done certainly give you peace of mind that you're not buying a crock.It can be expensive too, depending on the price of the car.
It becomes a little hazy when you live in Capital or Prov Bsas and you buy a car which is registered in another province. I've bought and sold 3 cars so far and a motorbike.
Speaking of which,riding a motorbike here is a lot of fun, but like in so many other places....always invisible to car drivers.
schef4711 said:
to drive the whole PanAmericana I guess this will be about 10.000km (less the problem where PanAm not exist. As about that I think to ship the car from US to Argentina or maybe Chile would be a lot of cheaper. Isn't it so ?

could be i am not sure, but i think you might run into hassle at the port but it is possible. a lot of europeans who do the drive ship their vehicles here and then drive to the US or CAN. it cost friend of our $1000 US to ship their car from BA to Miami.
gunt86 said:
I am curious if anyone has had any experience of knowledge of buying a car that is NOT an Argentine plated car. For example, say a car from Chile, or from Europe. And then driving the car into Argentina for permanent use. Did you keep the other country plates on it? Did you nationalize the car and put ARG plates on it? If so, how?

To buy a car from Chile you need to first take out your residency in Chile. A foreigner is not able to buy a car there in their own name, to get around having residency you would need a company or someone you know with residency to buy it and hold the title.

It's very popular in Mendoza to take out Chilean residency for the purpose of buying a car as they are cheaper there than in Argentina. There are a lot of Chilean plates in Mendoza, so I don't know that most people would go through the process of nationalising the car. They get brands of cars there we don't get in Argentina...

As for bringing one from Europe, you better have a look through the forum about people shipping in cars (for the most part it sounds like an expensive pain in the butt that's only worth it for a luxury car or for someone who is already sending a large shipping container down here and can just add the car in with the rest of their house). The import duties can be ridonkulous.
my questions about a non-ARG plated car pertain to the legality of driving a car which is plated in say (Italy) while in Argentina. I know this is possible for someone who is a tourist and ships their car over to south america for a big trip. Can someone who is not a tourist own and drive the car in ARG? What about someone with a temporary 1 year visa? What about someone with permanent residency? It sound like there are argentines who are driving CHL plated cars in Mendoza.....

It sounds like a non-argentine can buy a non-arg plated car from another foreigner, and can only sell to another foreigner. What are the issues with aduanas around this? Do they issue a 8 month permit for the car? what if you stay in ARG for longer than 8 months without returning to the border? I plan to have my car sitting on my friend's farm for a year or so, not being used...

If i become a permanent resident after i own the car, what are the implications? Should i nationalize the car? How do i do that? is it worth it?
The most important thing I want to know is what are the consequences of a non-ARG plated car which remains in ARG for more than the 8 months permit.

Also, does anyone have experience with owning a non-ARG car and having a DNI? Is it easy to enter/leave the country with this combination? is it allowed?

Does anyone know anything about nationalizing a non-ARG car?
gunt86 said:
It sounds like a non-argentine can buy a non-arg plated car from another foreigner, and can only sell to another foreigner. What are the issues with aduanas around this? Do they issue a 8 month permit for the car? what if you stay in ARG for longer than 8 months without returning to the border? I plan to have my car sitting on my friend's farm for a year or so, not being used...

As I know it from other countries you should get the aduana permit up to that time you have your temporary visa. But I don't know it - never done it - will work here in Argentina too.

gunt86 said:
If i become a permanent resident after i own the car, what are the implications? Should i nationalize the car? How do i do that? is it worth it?

You have the right to nationalize the car within the migracion tramite and have time of only some month for that and you will get better conditions for nationalize the car. After that time I know that you can only do it if you have a "permanent" but the costs are much higher and not very easy in fact of a lot of rules.

but for better understanding you should read this (in spanish) from AFIP where it will be explained more clear.

bye alex