Buying Gold

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Aussie abroad

Oct 22, 2013
I am wondering if anyone has been able to buy gold from Buenos Aires. I know you can buy from one bank in Florida just wondering if its possible for an expat to buy and do i need any documents to be able to do this.
Thanks in advance
You can buy gold all over in the States. You can walk into shops and buy it there or you can buy it by mail and phone. MONEX is one dealer but there are many. .In the U.S. a dealer now has to have some kind of ID but that is new. Used to be you didn't need to do that but things are changing--fast. I have a family member who buys and sells it is how I know. You can also cross the river and buy or sell gold at Gales in Montevideo and probably other places in Montevideo. They will want ID there and are now asking for a lot of information. They claim the government does not require it but they are doing it "just in case they ever do." If you buy privately that's another matter from buying from a dealer.
Aussie, how much and what sort of gold are you looking for weight wise?
if you buy it from the banco ciudad its cheaper but you do need ID. you can also buy it in many gold sellers all over microcentro, but its more expensive. also take into account Argentinian gold is, .9990 pure where as most other gold is, .9999 purity. it really isnt much of a difference but it matters to some for resale value. last thing to mention, banco ciudad doesnt sell their gold with certificates, they only give you a receipt.
ok nevermind, i just looked it up. it seems like they refine the gold but it does come from melted down objects. thats ridiculous. Argentina is one of the biggest gold producers in the world and barrick just sends it tax free to places like switzerland to get minted as " swiss " gold while Argentina has to melt down gold trinkets. this is why i call the kirchners pseudo populists. They are in bed with the same controlling interests they constantly pretend to rail against. tax the hell out of barrick or nationalize the mine and mint 9999 Argentinian ingots. upside down world indeed.
ah these fake leftists are a real bunch of jokers.
I sell UBS 999,9 kinebars from Switzerland to all over the world, they are all certificated and come direct from the bank, I charge a premium of $2 a gram on top of my buy price, which I can show, I send via Swiss Post which is very discreet for smaller weights but DHL for larger lumps (DHL will hit you with customs) let me know if you want some.
One of these will cost approx $50 (todays prices).
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