Caja fuerte in a bank

So kind of you I will do that. Thank you so much
I've set that up so will see with my bank here next week. I will be more than stunned if this works. Seems far too uncomplicated for Argentina. Hoping for the best bust expecting kickback. Thanks again
There are people you can give your USD here and they then transfer USD they have abroad to an account of your choice. The transfer is called a "cable". I do not know such people personally, but I know people that send money outside of Argentina this way. You just need to know trustworthy people who do this.

Alternatively, you can go back and forth to Uruguay, deposit your money in a bank there and then transfer from there, though this is obviously not the ideal situation. You could take 3 friends and with a car cross the bridge in Fray Bentos and take 40K and open an account in a bank in Mercedes.
I just checked wise the rate to transfer out of Arg is 138. You'd be better off buying some kind of crypto.
Wise has crappy conversation rates for USD to pesos. A few years ago you could send from Arg to the USA but I'm not sure about now, it's been a while since it was worth using.
True as regards ARS, not so true sending USD to a USD account (my practice). Transfer percentage cost reduces as larger amounts are transited. I wouldn’t dismiss Wise without a quick check.
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