Camera Cord?


Feb 1, 2013

I recently arrived in BA and released I forgot my camera cord to plug into my computer! Besides feeling really stupid, I need to buy a new one as I'll be here for a few months and would like to upload photos periodically. I have a Panasonic Lumix. Is a camera cord possible to find? I live in Recoleta.

I appreciate any and all help!

Galería Jardín (Florida and Tucumán) is your best option unless you can find the right cable at Musimundo.
I normally shop for cables at this place. First floor, right next to the elevator.
I think the lumix just uses a micro USB connector on the camera side, you should be able to buy that anywhere, even on the street from the materos.

I recently arrived in BA and released I forgot my camera cord to plug into my computer! Besides feeling really stupid, I need to buy a new one as I'll be here for a few months and would like to upload photos periodically. I have a Panasonic Lumix. Is a camera cord possible to find? I live in Recoleta.

I appreciate any and all help!

I have a lumix and misplaced my cable here a couple of years ago. I eventually bought another cable. The only place i could get one was mail order in the US from some very obscure company, and not here or at any camera store in the US. I might have 2 cables now.

My suggestion is just pop the card out, stick it into a computer, and upload the photos that way. PM me for more help.