Can i find sage and onion stuffing in BA?


Aug 12, 2010
I have searched in vain! Also, can i find Bisto / similar gravy powder?
Neither of those products are available here. In fact, the only "British" product you can ever really find is Twinnings tea (yuck!) and some shockingly expensive tins of condensed Campbell's soup (further yucks).
You'd think given the British community in Buenos Aires that we'd have at least a half-shelf representation in the Jumbo foreign food section...but Alas!
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What's worse is when you bring two tins of Bisto gravy granules to last you the year and your Argentine boyfriend throws them away as he thought "they would go off".
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You have to make things like that. All the stuff you need to make stuffing and gravy are here. You just have to learn to cook without things being done for you, in boxes, or cans. Gravy and stuffing are both VERY easy dishes to make, simple, and much healthier and better tasting when made from scratch any way. Good luck...
What a patronising reply, i wasnt asking for cookery tips darling. Instead of sitting on a prayer mat stretching with fellow hippies i have a proper job and sometimes instead of whipping up a roux, adding a decent stock and meat juices to create a marvoulous gravy it would be nice to add four spoons of bisto to a bit of water for a bit of a cheat!

I wouldn't call hotyogateachers reply patronizing... it is very easy..and takes only minutes to make stuffing from scratch. As far as gravy goes...most things you would pour gravy onto...the gravy can be made at the same time... unless you are being a bit white-trash... and want to poor some gravy made from powder over your Stove-Top stuffing mix...
Now that was patroniZing!!
You enter the conversation like your opinion matters! American - know your limits!

"What a patronising reply, i wasnt asking for cookery tips darling. Instead of sitting on a prayer mat stretching with fellow hippies i have a proper job....."
"You enter the conversation like your opinion matters! American - know your limits!"

after comments like this.... maybe you should watch yours
MDB said:
You enter the conversation like your opinion matters! American - know your limits!

Instant gravy, instant judgments... maybe you would do well to take a bit more time to craft what goes into and comes out of your mouth.
I'm not sure if the answers were meant in spite, but I do understand your woes MDB. "Real" gravy does taste a lot better, but is not at all convenient when you just want a chicken breast with gravy or some mashed potatoes with gravy - It is pretty impossible, in fact, to make without roasting a great big slab of meat...which takes an absolute truck-load of time.
I'm a vegetarian here and find working full-time, looking after a home and having to cook for an hour + every single bloody evening (if I want to eat something nice and nutritious) an absolute pain in the backside. If there's one thing I miss about the UK, it's the instant "cheats" - the gravy granules, the sausage casserole mix, the occasional Linda McCartney sausage!
Not everyone has the time/will to do everything from scratch every single day, but nor are Argentina's "instant" delights - the pizza, the pasta, the empanada, a particularly healthy alternative! It would be an absolute life-saver (time-saver) to be able to get some of this stuff locally.
A while back someone posted something on the forum about importing produce from the UK (and US maybe). I wonder if anyone knows if anything ever came of that...