Can I just disappear in Argentina?

Charley Varrick

Jul 27, 2011
Can I just go to Argentina and live anonymously and be left alone?

I'm sick of the US. I've got a bachelors degree that still costs me it's worth much less than what I'm paying for it. I have experience teaching English in Spain. I'm middle aged don't really have any prospects here. My credit record and my background keep me from moving ahead.

I've never done violence to anybody, and I'm not running from any child support or alimony or family obligations. I am running from a country I hate with a nosy government and judgmental people.

If you have daily life experience in Argentina I hope to hear from you. How often are you stopped by authorities & asked for your visa or passport while walking or riding subway or bus? (I won't bother owning a car or driving down there.) Or if you have ever rented an apartment or applied to teach English, did they check your credit report or background in America?

I don't want to offend any of you. This is your forum and I'm just a guest. I'm not going to Argentina or elsewhere to rob or steal or hurt others or break any laws except maybe their immigration laws. I don't want advice on how to do that, but I do want to hear experiences on it & what I will face down there and any consequences should I get caught.

Thank you.
YES YOU CAN! that'd be the simple answer. activate your pm.
Charley Varrick said:
How often are you stopped by authorities & asked for your visa or passport while walking or riding subway or bus?

Never (in over five years).

I even made a denuncia (police report) at a comisaria (police station) and only showed a photocopy of the photo page of my passport (my entry stamp was on another page).

Charley Varrick said:
Or if you have ever rented an apartment or applied to teach English, did they check your credit report or background in America?


Charley Varrick said:
I'm not going to Argentina or elsewhere to rob or steal or hurt others or break any laws except maybe their immigration laws. I don't want advice on how to do that, but I do want to hear experiences on it & what I will face down there and any consequences should I get caught.

It is not a crime to live in Argentina without a "valid" visa (you'll never go to prison for it), but you still could be deported if migraciones ever implements strict enforcement of the latest decreto. So far they have not done so.
Worked for Adolph Eichman and other Nazi war criminals. Until it didn't.

So surely someone who isn't on a Most Wanted List could disappear in Argentina. Until you can't. Meaning, someday they may catch up with you and deport you....but odds are in your favor.
What everybody else says. So long as you're not fleeing with a tail of people looking for you for serious criminal offenses you can "disappear" here. But yes, its definitely a different set of problems.
I imagine that one could very easily pull this off on an indefinite basis in the interior of the country. Long term in BsAs might be tough if you want to have a bank account or credit card, but if you're willing to go rural or head down to Patagonia, go for it! It would be pretty hard for someone to find you. Hope your Spanish is up to scratch, though.