Can I report this?


Jan 17, 2010
I just hit my head hard enough that I was actually nauseous.

I hit it because some idiot store owner put their steel framed awning at exactly head height. Normally I would have just ducked it and been fine but there was, about 1ft behind the tarp, an additional piece of head height rebar which just stuck straight down unattached to anything.

My right ear is ringing, I'm still dizzy and disoriented. This is a MAJOR public safety hazard, is there a number I can call to report this so that I can spare other people the headache (haha)?
If you are here as a tourist, Municipalidad de Buenos Aires, Defensoria del Turista.

If you are a resident call 147, it works 24/7 and they will guide you to make a formal complain. The store may lost its habilitacion if the Municipalidad receives several complains.

Perhaps you might try going to a public hospital to get a check up if you are fine or you got any kind of contusion.
And if you have medical insurance, go to the ER and get yourself checked out. This will also have clout when you come to report things and when its investigated
In my experience, no one does anything about stuff like this until someone gets hurt. I've got a construction site next to my house that have built a protective structure over my terrace - the structure is precariously built, doesn't conform to any regulations and has 4 inch nails jutting out of it (just over 1m off the ground). The municipalidad/police etc have all check it out and its been reported to every authority...but unfortunately, until someone gouges their eye out, they won't do a damn thing about it. So yeah, kick up as much of a stink as you can!