
Another question....Is a transit visa necessary if we don't leave the airport? Is the airport the same as entering Venezuela?

I think you'd better contact the Venezuelan consulate just to clarify. Given that Venezuelans (and most other nationalities) would need a visa merely to transit in Miami, I'm guessing the Venezuelans now require the same of US citizens. That's what Cristina calls "reciprocity."

In the interest of further clarity, I will add that it's not unfair of the Venezuelans to require a visa, even for transit. It is foolish, though.
Good time to re-book your flight. I will not set foot in Caracas again. There might be more dangerous places somewhere in the world.....maybe.
How is Surinam?
I cycled the Americas, including the stretch Colombia - Venezuela - (piece of Brasil) - Guyana - Surinam - French Guyana, in 2010.

Colombia was great, Venezuela the dirtiest (what a trash heap) and most dangerous place we have ever seen (still were ok after 3 months there, but other friends not so). The best part is the South, the Gran Sabana is wonderful (with Angel Falls and Mt Roraima, a great Hike. Remember the movie 'UP'? :))

The 3 Guyanas are all wonderful, the most underrated part of South America. Note that getting a visa for any of these is (was) difficult, depending on where you from and where you apply.

I loved Surinam the most, but as I speak Dutch, I might be prejudiced (though I speak English (Guyana) and some French (FG) and of course Spanish as well). Great food, warm people, wonderful Nature. But the Jungle in Guyana and even the not so safe capital and Indian influences were great as well. French Guyana is different, but very much worth a visit as well, from Leatherback Turtles on the beach to French Croissants and the space centre.

Note that in all 23 countries we cycled through from Alaska - Patagonia, we met 99% nice people that helped us out whenever and however they could, whether we requested assistance or not.
In case you need a little more information on safety in Caracas:
We are NOT leaving the airport. Hopefully we change planes without any excitement and go on to Madrid.
I know you are all worried about us :=) So an update. The Venezuelan embassy couldn't issue a transit visa in time for our flight so we just went to the airport. No problem checking in and after landing in Caracas we didn't have to go through immigration so no one checked for visa. We are now in Madrid and having a wonderful time.

have a good trip. sometimes we make things more complicated than need be. other times we get sucker punched. I am glad it was the former.
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