

Sep 28, 2010
Im argentinian and know what chamuyo is, however I find hard to explain what chamuyo is. Would you help me to find words to easily describe it to a foreigner?
To an english speaker, I understand that the best word to describe Chamuyo, is when someone is talking for the sake of it, to keep a conversation going, pretending to know more about a subject to impress, when in reality all he/she is doing is "Bull-Shitting".

So, the best way to explain the word, as I understand it, is "Bull-Shit". That would be understood by most native english speakers.

Talking to fill the space when you neither know nor care what you are saying but feel it is important to say something.

Pronounced Shamooshow - Found only in Buenos Aires Argentina

A guy chatting a girl up in a bar really does not care where she works or where she is from but wants to keep her attention.

That kind of talking is call 'Chamuyando'

Also spelled chamullo and the verb infinitive can be chamullar or chamuyar. Among the various shades of meaning, it commonly signifies speaking on a subject with a pretense of authority, when in reality the speaker is simply inventing, or "bullshitting." It can also mean "sweet talk" such as when a guy is "talking trash" to a girl, saying nothing of substance, for the purpose of socializing. Although these uses are largely Argentine slang mentioned in many Tango lyrics, "chamuyo" appears to be making inroads into English slang.

Don Fulano was using the chamuyo on Josefina for over an hour last night.

Yes talking bullshit is appropriate in certain occasions as Liam said.