At least 600,000 people were affected. 2 big 220,000 volt transformers tripped in the aging Edesur grid, and then there were numerous more local outages.
When everybody has their air cons on full bore, it overloads the capacity.
Since Menem privatized the electric companies in the 90s, they have slacked off on upgrades, and we have seen many blackouts, including a 13 day one in 99 and an 11 hour one in 2019.
We were lucky, we only lost power in Retiro for about 3 hours. But cell phones were much slower too-some of the repeaters probably had no power either.
Fueron privatizadas en 1992 y están a cargo del servicio hasta 2087, aunque hay reclamos para avanzar en una estatización. Quiénes están detrás de las empresas. La historia de los apagones masivos de 1999 y 2019.