charitable contributions in BsAs


Oct 15, 2010
As the end of the year approaches, I'd love to make some (small) charitable contributions to outstanding organizations in Buenos Aires in appreciation for all that the city has provided for me during my time here, and would love advice about great charitable or nonprofit organizations (is such a term used here?), ideally that are based in Argentina although international organizations that serve Argentina would also have appeal.

Many thanks for suggestions and counsel, Sanda
You can whittle by location and area on, or check out the magazine Tercer Sector, which covers the non-profit sector here in Argentina.

If you still have no idea or personal preference, check out Grupo Nexo. They provide amazing services to the HIV/AIDS and LGBTQ community.

I think it's great that you are giving back to Argentina. Good luck.
Caritas is the Catholic charity that has a very wide reach in Argentina. AMIA is a Jewish community organization that also does charitable work.
Hi Sanda,

My business partner and I used to make regular donations through a foundation called Manos del Sur ( When we were feeling richer and had quite substantial sums to donate, we decided we wanted to support a particular project in Argentina which is where we had most affiliation. Not only did they organise for me to visit the projects to understand how they were being run, but we got confirmation that 100% of our money arrived (at what was an independent charity) with no deductions for admin or anything. We were very impressed by this groups professionalism and dedication. Worth taking a look I'd say.

The sponsoring a child option is also rather rewarding.
Another jewish organization is Tzedakah, and I would suggest to contact Hospital de Ninios, in Gallo street, the cooperadora or the voluntarios area. As we can read from the previous posts in this thread, it depends on what you wish to do.
Rather than give money to kids which will be turned over to the mafia that controls these unfortunate children, take the kids to McDonalds or someplace to eat a meal. Stay with them and make sure that they get the food. Don't hand them money.
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