Charlie Sheen calls for new investigation into 9/11


Jan 2, 2009

Kurt Nimmo
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

In the audio clip below, aired today on the Alex Jones Show, Charlie Sheen, popular actor and winner of the Golden Globe for Best Performance by an Actor In A Television Series, tells Alex Jones why he wrote “20 Minutes with the President,” an open letter to president Barack Obama calling for a new investigation into the September 11, 2001, attacks.

“Enough stonewalling,” Sheen told Jones, “enough media manipulation, enough media-mantra speak. The families deserve better, America deserves better.”

Charlie said he cannot sit idly by and hope that a new investigation will “fall out of the heavens and into our Congress.” We must demand Obama deliver “honest promises,” Sheen explained. We must demand a new investigation.

Alex mentioned John Farmer, a senior counsel to the 9/11 Commission, who revealed earlier this year that the government agreed not to tell the truth about 9/11. Other members have said that the Pentagon and the government were engaged in deliberate deception about their response to the attack. Farmer’s book about his experiences working for the Commission is entitled The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America’s Defense on 9/11, and is set to be released this month (see Paul Joseph Watson, 9/11 Commission Counsel: Government Agreed to Lie About 9/11).

Charlie said the call for a new investigation will not be silenced by the corporate media. “This message will not be silence anymore by the media-fueled mantras insisting on how they feel and deciding for them [the American people and most importantly the victim family members] for eight long years what can thought, what can be said, what can be asked..”

Alex noted that even as the whitewash commission conducted its hearings, there were outraged family members in the audience demanding the truth be told. Charlie added that these family members were ignored by the commission and thus deeply offended. The questions they asked “never saw the light of day” and their words never found their way into the final report generated by the commission, itself a fraud as Farmer others have noted. “We know that [the families] have been calling for a new investigation,” Sheen noted.

The government is demanding the public suspend logical thought and dismiss all questions about the investigation’s report, which is a work of fiction, in essence a fairy tale, Charlie argued. The establishment, he said, demands we worship a new form of physics and accept a “new form of reality that is inconsistent with everything we know in each and every cell of our entire being.” The American people are instructed by the government to believe such obvious nonsense and then are systematically demonized for asking questions, he explained.

The official 9/11 story is “an absolute fairy tale,” Charlie declared, “a complete work of fiction, and not even a very good one.”

Sheen hopes “20 Minutes with the President” will get Obama’s attention. “If for some reason this doesn’t make it into his hands and I am never granted 20 minutes with my president, I would urge the American people — I would urge anybody and everybody that has a stake in this, which would be all of us — to continue to apply the pressure, to continue to ask the questions, to continue to demand the truth.”

Charlie Sheen will further expand on his open letter this Friday on the Alex Jones Show.
How about investigating the 2000 and 2004 Presidential Elections first.... bet the wrong Clown won (well Kerry's no clown)...... Charlie Sheen? I liked his movie about space aliens in Mexico.... "Wall St." was pretty damn good to, Oliver Stone never be dis - ap - point - in'
had Kerry been elected nothing would have changed. why? simple. as i've stated before many many times. there is no difference between left and right. there is no difference between republican vs democrat.



dudester you are wasting your time, continuously going back to the false left/right paradigm. break the paradigm and your conditioning and realize who our true enemy is. stop the pointless infighting and focus on the bigger picture such as abolishing the federal reserve and putting an end to the corporate takeover of our government.
Well said Redrum . I believe Dudester is well meaning and genuinely wants a more fair society in the USA but Obama is not the hope in shining armour that he has been praying for.

The actions and new laws being rushed through in the USA make George Bush seem mild in comparison. Just because someone smiles and speaks nice does not mean they are nice .
Dudester said:
... well Kerry's no clown

Why do you say that? Everyone makes fun of W's poor Yale grades but Kerry had even poorer grades. Both got into Yale on the same "legacy scholar" basis. This is the same Kerry who slapped his palm over a splinter in his forearm, then went to a medic who was astonished at how the splinter simply hadn't fallen out, then went and pestered his company commander to award him a Purple Heart. Some genius. Some war hero. But this is all beside the point. Redrum has replied appropriately.
I think Sheen's idea is a good one. An indisputably impartial, full-ranging, exhaustive investigation, calling the most respected engineers, architects, explosives, demolition and aviation experts in the world, might finally put this ludicrous piece of nonsense to bed once and for all.

After all it took the meticulous work of a court of law to expose the 'Diana was murdered' theory for the bad joke it was.

Naturally the die-hard 'twoofers' would claim it was just another part of the conspiracy.
redrum said:
Sheen hopes “20 Minutes with the President” will get Obama’s attention. “If for some reason this doesn’t make it into his hands and I am never granted 20 minutes with my president, I would urge the American people — I would urge anybody and everybody that has a stake in this, which would be all of us — to continue to apply the pressure, to continue to ask the questions, to continue to demand the truth.”

Charlie Sheen will further expand on his open letter this Friday on the Alex Jones Show.

Charlie is looking to be the next Green Jobs Czar!
Btw, back in ages there was a website name and Ch.Sheen's "Questionaires" were ther in full audio interview. Some time later the site was down and disapperaed. Yes you could google it but something disturbing and kind of adult content" were placed into the "placeholder".
Boy! What site was it! So many videos and audios, articles and build in Flex/Flash kinda environment, so interactive and "to the point". Even famous "Illuminaties" speach by Miron Feagan was there.

And Cheney, what is so funny to became a Leader in something we'll trust and possibly improove our lives and Planet after all?
It's good to see that people who like to waste their time on conspiracy theories are alive and well. Not very enlightening but at least somewhat entertaining.