As stated above your chance of finding someone to give you a buddy pass is next to nonexistent, employees get a limited number of them to begin with, also when you travel on one you do not get a confirmed seat and have to fly standby, and are the last to be accommodated on the flight it can take days of going back and forth to the airport to finally get a seat.
Without knowing when and where you want to travel exactly, I am seeing fares in the 1,400's for September from EZE-BCN, if you where able to get to GRU i see some fares in the 900's. If you want to post or PM me your exact dates I can give you some more detailed tips to get the best fare.
And by the way I think it is a little off base to call the airlines "Greedy" when they have a net profit margin in the low single digits in the good years, never mind the bad years when they bleed money like a sieve.