Chicken Rotisserie Place Around Ayacucho & Juncal?


Jun 16, 2010
Anyone know what I'm talking about? Used to be an amazing chicken takeout place around there, they also served other hot foods, but their chicken was great. I don't remember if it was on Ayacucho or Junin, but was around the intersection in the title. Maybe it closed but if anyone knows what I'm talking about please say (or pm me if you want to keep it secret), I forget where exactly it was.

I don't remember if it was actually rotisserie btw or if they had a big oven, anyway if you had it you know what I'm talking about.
There seem to be several in the area but not on those streets that you mention that I've seen. Trak is one place that I see nearby but on Arenales.
Peru has way too many " Pollo a la brasa " places and one of expat friend living there once told me, do not eat those
chickens, they are grown full of toxic chemicals? I was buffled but did not ask what sort of chemicals...


A few days later I was driving south towards Machu Picchu down the Panamericana. A few hours later on the road started seeing
many huts or coops full of chickens so I decided to stop and ask a few questions to the care taker. He did say they use a lot of growth hormones and anti-biotics !

Is the chickens grown in Argentina in the same way as the ones in Peru ? If is the same way, should not eat those birds!
This place had pasture raised chicken or so they claimed. The taste was very good, very high quality. They kept raising the price in 2010. They may have gone out of business because of this.