China gives line of credit to Argentina 70 Billion Yuan

Can you guys that are smarter than me explain what this all means in laymens terms?
jp said:
They also brought more people out of poverty than any other government in human history. Worth bearing in mind when critiquing their methods.
The government first brought them into poverty, then the entrepreneurs brought them out of poverty.
Conorworld said:
That has to be looked at in relation to a lack of democracy etc. Not saying that China is one but many a totalitarian state rapidly reduced their nation's poverty at the expenses of inalienable human rights.

"human rights" and "democracy" are a western idealised construction imposed on the East. Of course China doesn't "stack up" to these western fictions...

Comments by some here remind me of the racist scaremongering "yellow peril"... be afraid, very afraid...
stickattack said:
"human rights" and "democracy" are a western idealised construction imposed on the East. Of course China doesn't "stack up" to these western fictions...

Comments by some here remind me of the racist scaremongering "yellow peril"... be afraid, very afraid...

I would beg to differ on human rights and democracy as a western idealized construction imposed on the East. It should be seen as an organic development of human society, which has proven to be the path that fundamentally improves all. That it originated in the West as you say is probably more down to various circumstance and interactions between various disparate western societies centuries ago. Remember democracy is older than the concept of a West and East in our view of geography and cannot be synonymous with one and not the other simply because it had its genesis in one and not the other.

Furthermore a lot of the comments were not of a racist nature or a "yellow peril" as you state but more a disdain for the steps and measures the Chinese are taken which have precedent in political and economic history and the development and sustainment of new world powers over the last 2 centuries.
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"It [human rights] should be seen as an organic development of human society, which has proven to be the path that fundamentally improves all."

How poetic. This same "organic development" began, not centuries ago with "various disparate societies" but specifically in western europe with post-renaissance rationalist thought - Descartes etc - less than 400 years ago.

The myth that this rationality, expressed in its finest form as "human rights", improves all - a teleological development towards nirvana has proved a false god. Indeed, the high watermark of western rationality and modernity was Hitler, the Nazis and the atrocities of the holocaust.

China's institutionalised political torture and executions are disgusting and I don't condone them. However, I have a problem with whitey imposing an equally problematic political ideal upon non-western societies.
This video is not specific to the China-Argentina deal but is interesting over all this issues of money and globalization.

Is a ten minute statement by Craig Isherwood on Prime Minister Rudd’s (Australia) agenda for the G-20.

He start his statement with some domestic issues but later he moves on to free trade and protectionism, including The Bank of England and China's Opium wars and later the G-20 summit and the consequences of stimulus spending, will be interesting to see what kind of opinions any of you can have....please take a look

Statement by Craig Isherwood on Prime Minister Rudd’s (Australia) agenda for the G-20.