
Charles A Roth Jr

Jun 26, 2016
Hi this is my first time posting on the site call me a pessimist but I think it might be time to leave the US I have two small children and I'm a single father with passport applications in front of me I wonder if citizenship is available to me even though I have a very old felony conviction please keep in mind that three years ago a judge saw fit to grant me so and total physical and legal custody of my two children I'm hoping people will perceive me as rehabilitated I certainly think so along with the judge my main concern here is to move my children to Cordoba or BA for the sake of a solid education and a healthy maturing emotionally. For the sake of a solid education and a healthy maturing emotionally there are still seven and nine years old but I'm afraid they're going to want the car keys before I know it I prefer to act now I hope citizenship is available for the likes of me and I wonder if economic investment is an avenue I can take or perhaps some sort of certificate of rehabilitation I'm sure the paperwork will be long and tedious and I really don't want to put forth the effort in vain but for my kids sake could you please advise me on this please share your experience strength and hope if you have any experience in this sort of situation I look forward to reading any replies thank you
Start here:
Then read these:

Wannabe Expats

Seeking Advice For The Move To B.a.

Hello! ...and a thousand questions about moving to BA

Argentine citizenship for foreigners?

Please don't be offended if some members "accuse" you of being a troll. Your "story" is difficult to believe, especially the part about moving your children to Cordoba or BA "for the sake of a solid education and a healthy maturing emotionally."

And please use the period key at the end of each sentence in future posts.

Good one... Going Grammar Nazi usually discourages newbies and the same old immigration / citizenship questions.

Being an ex-felon your chances are slim to none unless you commit another crime like a bribe.
Good one... Going Grammar Nazi usually discourages newbies and the same old immigration / citizenship questions.

Being an ex-felon your chances are slim to none unless you commit another crime like a bribe.

But is bribery in Argentina a felony.?

Some would day that it is part of local culture and getting involved shows a desire for total immersion...

Yours in sport

Being an ex-felon your chances are slim to none unless you commit another crime like a bribe.
I'm not sure what your source is on that. Particularly if it's a decades-old conviction. I know two people who had felony convictions from a few decades ago who had no problems getting into Argentina as residents. It may depend on what the felony was for. I know for a fact that they did not pay a single bribe to get their residencies, though they did hire a lawyer to ensure they were successful. One of the felonies was drug-smuggling-related, no murder or anything like that.

Steve, I agree 100% with your statements about the believability of the OP. Being in the process of raising 3 young ladies here, the last thing I would ever consider is actually bringing two young kids to BA to raise them with a solid education and a healthy maturing emotionally! I know something about Cordoba, having a few friends from there and having visited their families and friends and spent a little bit of time in Cordoba, and although much better than BA (at least the city and parts of the province that I know) I still wouldn't believe that anyone would move there specifically for those reasons either.

I saw that post last night and almost laughed, then almost posted, but I knew you'd post something at some point as well :)

Charles A. Roth, Jr - if I am mistaken, my apologies. If you are sincere, you might want to rethink your strategy as far as your kids go.
I hear this talk about bribery all the time.

In Congo, bribery is common 24/7 in all walks of life. So I am pretty fluent in giving bribes to get day to day tasks done.

Here, been living in Argentina for almost 7 years - I have never encountered a situation where I was asked for a "bribe" either directly, indirectly or via a 3rd person!

A passive form of bribery very common in USA is "tipping" and if you don't tip, often a tip is demanded very aggresively in some states there. In 7 years here, I never remember a situation where anyone demanded a tip from here for services rendered.
I just thought of something that might be an issue: Even if Mr. Roth was granted "total physical and legal custody" of his two children by a judge three years ago, I wonder if Argentine migraciones would require proof of his ex-wife's consent to bring them into Argentina to live (or even visit Argentina without her).

Unless she has been denied of all rights as thier mother (including visitation), might that present an insurmountable obstacle to the move, even if everything else fell into place?

Dad might have total physical and legal custody, but it's hard to imagine Argentine migraciones (or the federal court if applying for citizenship) "endorsing" the move without mom's approval.