I'm not defending price gouging and it is not fair and i think we can all agree on that, also we must agree as adults, that is very real.
Life is never fair, just, healthy or safe and we must deal with that best we can.
Maybe i come off as unsympathetic but if you think this is bad, i hope you never have to go thru some really horrible things that happened here in the past.
Different crisis have a very particular way of shaping one's outlook on life, for instance, having the best medical coverage available but due to some crisis all medical coverage was suspended until when ever they felt like it with no end in sight as you see your own mother splipping away at a very early age due to a terminal illness , is very unfair and bleak, however we did what we had to do and she never went without treatment or another case of a similar patient waiting for morphine as he was also going fast, to have that morphine arrive 2 months after his death seemed like adding insult to injury, this also happened in my family.
So, to answer your question, no it is not normal nor is fair , now go ahead and start your very own ''i want cheaper coffee revolution''
'' keep quiet and adjust'' you say? sometimes is the only thing you CAN do.