I have just returned after spending a month in the US ( FL and NC ). Like everybody else, I had been adjusting here, witnessing some obscene price increases, complaining, and again, adjusting. When we decided to go visit DHs family, I was somehow convinced that it was all going to be much cheaper/affordable in the US, only to come to the conclusion that prices are the same for basic groceries, maybe gas, and the most basic clothes ( not brand names ). The rest I have found it all to be expensive. Especially eating out, entertainment, hotels, utilities. For some items quality is higher and there is certainly a huge variety of items everywhere. I noticed that most people there complain about how expensive everything is. Last time I visited was before the pandemic. an 80k income certainly will not take you very far, especially if you need to save towards retirement. I am not exactly sure how retirees manage to live there, but I am starting to understand with some try retire and move abroad. I am not an expert in economy, but something is very off in Arg. I am anything but pro K. Argentina was very expensive in the 90s, but many foreign companies invested in the country, and even though imports killed the local industry, at least the services industry was booming. This.... this is something else that honestly cannot figure out. As for the US, while I wait for USCIS, etc, I am somewhat worried, I simply don't understand how you make ends meet, save enough towards retirement and not fall into huge debt, and have a good health coverage during your lifetime for yourself and your family.