Coffee Chat Tuesday April 11, 4-7Pm (Palermo Soho)

Actually I'm neither. I'm a fan of what the Brazilians call "El Jogo Bonito." The beautiful game itself.
When you have a couple of kingpins like Messi, Higuain, Dybala, Neymar in the same match playing against each other anything can happen.
They get to do it allover again next week in Barcelona. I'm going to stay home & watch that one too.
IMHO and undoubtedly thoughts of other Coffee Chatters the location doesn't really matter. What matters is who is in attendance that will make the afternoon worthwhile,interesting and enjoyable.
i think that Star@ucks at Alto Palermo has been the perfect location. Everyone knows where it is and how to get there. Food and beverage purchase are optional.
We've been meeting there for a long time. I've never heard anyone complain.(not even I).
IMHO and undoubtedly thoughts of other Coffee Chatters the location doesn't really matter. What matters is who is in attendance that will make the afternoon worthwhile,interesting and enjoyable.
i think that Star@ucks at Alto Palermo has been the perfect location. Everyone knows where it is and how to get there. Food and beverage purchase are optional.
We've been meeting there for a long time. I've never heard anyone complain.(not even I).

John Doe, Please open your mind to possibilities and adventures!
Possibly, thís old exp<b></b>ression applies. "If it ain't broke, you don't fix it?"