Coffee Chat Tuesday April 18, 4-7Pm (Palermo Soho)


Oct 17, 2013
Coffee Chat this week will be at Crisol Gente Tomando Cafe in Palermo Soho. See ya there!

4-7pm Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Crisol Gente Tomando Cafe at Jerónimo Salguero 1773
Fronts to Plaza Güemes, 2 blocks south of Santa Fe, nearest major cross streets are Coronel Diaz and Santa Fe.

Coffee Chat is a scheduled event where people meet for coffee/drinks to talk with others about what they're doing around BA, meet new people who they can hang out with, ask questions about personal travel or living experiences here and in other countries, etc. Everyone is welcome, Argentino or extranjero.

If you're new to BA, come by. We can try to get you connected with people that share your interests.

For John Doe: if you want to do Starbucks, set it up. No harm in having two concurrently. Alternatively, we need a host for next week. How about you take up hosting next week when you can have it at Starbucks? Sounds fair to me. How about it?
Thanks for the suggestion. I don't think that I can accept the challenge. Á móst Chatters know, the lást 2 numbers òf the year that I ứa bỏn and my IQ are the same.
I tried to write a sign to place on the table. "Kofey Chaat" doesn't look right. I'm in Vietnam and don't have access to an English dikshineri.
For those that are interested in seeing a beautiful basilica on the way to or from Coffee Chat, this one is just across the street from our meetup destination this week. Basílica del Espíritu Santo opens to Plaza Güemes. It's beautiful in the daytime. It's just as beautiful at sunset and in the evening when the plaza lights cast their shadows.


A pic taken Sunday from inside the basilica by one of our members
Thank you, Michelle, for hosting again. Lovely location and a compatible group of expats. Looking forward to my next one, probably in October/November. Until then, stay well (especially you, Estéban).