Coffee Chat Tuesday Feb 2, 4-7Pm (Palermo)

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Missed you guys today. I'm stuck at home with what I think must be a food poisoning. Hopefully nothing mosquito-transferrable :) If so, at least I'm stuck at home.
Feel equally bad for your misery and the fact that I couldn't attend. (No, feel worse for your misery - bad me!)
Hopelly I can make it next time!!! Would love to meet the rest of the crew! ;)
What an awesome turnout at this rate there won't be enough tables at Starbucks...! :)

Through the Grapevine " Starbucks vill apply a Cover Charge" specially for those that buy fro Mcafee.... :cool:
All's well that ends well. I left at around 8:30 and there were people still there.
The photo doesn't do justice. There was another table behind me.
So missing from the photo are Michelle & Chris, Tom & Nancy & another couple that I do not know their names.
I just came across this old thread and wanted to post @D.B. Cooper 's photo to the forum so it's preserved. The photo I posted above seems to have disappeared (any way to fix that admin?).

Wow,...thanks for posting it. That's from 2016, I recognize a few faces that are no longer with us. (RIP).
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... The photo I posted above seems to have disappeared (any way to fix that admin?).
Nope. The photo was hosted on an external site (, and it's no longer available there.
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