Coffee Grinders?


Nov 9, 2012
Hello everyone,

I recently returned to lovely Bs.As. and I brought along my trusty, electric, coffee grinder to take care of all my coffee grinding needs. However, unlike most of my electrically run appliances, my coffee grinder was not up to the task of managing the voltage from the outlets.

After a few good grinds it no longer responded to my early morning coffee needs. Yes, coffee needs. Sadly, I've had to part with my trusted coffee companion and am now looking for a new, preferably not electronic, coffee grinder. Perhaps a hand grinder? I've always wanted one of those but they are hard to come by in the U.S. They seem more portable, and I won't ever need to worry about it getting blasted with too much electrical current.

Any advice on where to find one of these and what price range to look for would be helpful.

No idea about hand grinders, but the electronic grinders are hard to find, i think. I just bought one this past weekend. Rodo had one, but the Fravega and Garbarino on Cabildo didn't have anything.
I brought a 220 volt model from the USA, cheap and it works great- there are a couple of big mailorder houses in LA that sell 220 volt everything for tourists with big wallets- visiting Iranians and Argentinians.

I dont know about hand crank, but electric, here, I would tend to trust Moulinex. My BA purchased Moulinex blender is still going strong after five years. Big Moulinex store on the corner of Bulnes y Corrientes, but I am sure there are other ones as well.

Molinillo Moulinex-
There is an appliance store on Charcas, just off Col Diez that used to have coffee grinders (and just about everything else).
Thanks for the tips guys. I was sad about the old one, after all it had served me so well. I'll check those places out and see if I can't find anything that will do the trick. I'll go electric if I have to but the hand crank kind are so much more fun. Perhaps I'll even go the old mortar and pestle route. Then I get to actually work for my morning brew! :)
i got mine from groupon, but i had to go way down to once to get it... there seemed to be a street full of kitchen appliance shops, shouldn't be hard there if someone can tell you what that street is!!