Colonias And Other Options Por Ninos In December


Feb 6, 2015

Dear BA Expat community:

My family will be in Buenos Aires from November 23-December 23 and I'd like to find some good activities for my 6 year old daughter. Since schools will be letting out, I am wondering if there are any one or two week camps for her age group - full day, half day, we are flexible. She loves art, she likes futbol (but probably wouldn't want a sports only activity), she likes dance...

AND, her Castellano is not great, so in fact, something bilingual would be ideal but if that is not an option, I realize it may be a stretch. This is a return to Buenos Aires for us, though, and we have been so impressed with the city and all it has to offer! Please let me know if you have suggestions!

We will be in Palermo, and Club de Amigos was suggested, but I don't believe it is an option unless we join for a year's membership...I will investigate, but other ideas welcome!

Muchas gracias.
Our daughter (now 5) did a month (January) at Racket Club last year and loved it. You do not have to be a member to go to Colonia, but it was a bit pricey. Their website is but pricing does not seem to be available yet.
Great! thank you both - I will look into these. Clearly I have not logged on in a bit...any other suggestions out there?

Our daughter is currently in a half day program, and while I wish it were different, she is feeling very defeated about her language seems clear that she needs some English in order to feel comfortable and enjoy the activities, and that perhaps with that help, and maybe a friend, she will continue to try to learn more castellano...

I appreciate your good ideas!
December 18th is the last day of school. There won't be any colonias before that. And I doubt there will be starting any before Chrismas.
And, yes, your daughter could participate in the colonia of Club de Amigos without being a member. But they start in January.
Unfortunately this doesn't help you... Good luck!
Colonias won`t be an option but after spending ages looking for activities for my child for saturday mornings I can tell you that while there are few saturday activities, there are a tonne of options for activities during the week starting around 3pm. Have you thought of something like theatre or circus classes?

There`s also painting, pottery, all of those things.

Then there is this literature workshop for kids in Zona Norte -- I`m not sure what age it starts at, but it looks pretty neat, they run different 4 week courses, some start next week: