Comedian Robin Williams Dead: Apparent Suicide.

".... hit him on the (fountain)head" made me laugh. But "Bay Bridge Troll" made me laugh even more.
Equating clinical depression with demonic possession can be a monstrously destructive metaphor, especially when someone who is depressed begins to think in those terms. That can happen in a heartbeat, especially if they have been watching CNN durng the past 24 hours.

It's difficult enough for someone who has been diagnosed with depression to deal with the illness as well as the label. It is much worse if they begin to believe that they are also fighting demons.
Steve, your whole post was very thoughtful and spot on! Depression is such a horrible thing.
I wonder how many members of the forum have a clue as to what was humorous about the line, "On the outskirts of Bahía Blanca, they wouldn't recognize a metaphor even if it hit them on the (fountain)head." I also wonder how many of them recognize the tile of a novel that was written by an author who's name you no longer include in your posts after using it about a hundred times in irrelevant and occasionally repulsive replies to mine?

I guess humorless hack novelists just don't prepare you for real life.
Depression is unbelievably painful, and those who suffer from it often suffer in complete silence, even when they are surrounded by those who love them.

For once, you're right. As Woody Allen said, "Where I grew up... in Brooklyn, nobody committed suicide... you know, everyone was too unhappy."
good video Robin and Koko the Gorila...!

“In the real dark night of the soul it is always three o' clock in the morning, day after day.”
F Scott Fitzgerald

Dennisr: friend of Bill W