Coming to BA - Pilar

It is very generous of you that you will use your time to call different possibilities. We appriciate that a lot. Please just note that we won't need it before March 2011 and that this is just the preparing work. But anyhow, thanks a lot for the help all ready. We already fell very welcome.

Do you know the name of the zone outside of Pilar? It would help for figuring out which direction it lies.

The area of the new plant is 10 Km further out from Pilar. The street name is "Calle 7".
Kahretsem said:
The area of the new plant is 10 Km further out from Pilar. The street name is "Calle 7".

If it's 10 kms away from Pilar, it's a different city from Pilar, but it belongs to the "partido" (kind of county) of Pilar. There are many calles named with numbers here. Using numbers might suggest it's an industrial zone. If it's an industrial it might be close to an highway access (statistically) and since the highway stops at Pilar, you might be on the closest side from Capital of Pilar, but that's just a guess.

Another problem with the traffic (back or forth) is that accidents occur frequently on the highway and people coming on the opposite side decelerate to see the accident, hence provoking another traffic jam and eventually another accident. Same as in every country although Scandinavians might be more disciplined :D
Kahretsem said:
It is very generous of you that you will use your time to call different possibilities. We appriciate that a lot. Please just note that we won't need it before March 2011 and that this is just the preparing work. But anyhow, thanks a lot for the help all ready. We already fell very welcome.

The area of the new plant is 10 Km further out from Pilar. The street name is "Calle 7".

Calle 7, Fatima, Pilar_Map distance and time driving from and to Recoleta

I can assure you that you will not want to do this after the first week on the car, besides traffic here is chaotic and dangerous, frenchie knows very well what I'm talking about, wife will understand when she see around.

BTW, what the Chinese are up to?..... Not another chino supermarket I hope :D

Or it's a Danish enterprise?
citygirl said:
You will be driving against traffic but still, I would plan on it easily taking an hour (esp if you are on the "far" side of Pilar. I used to commute out towards Pilar 3-4x a week to ride horses and traffic was often a problem even at odd hours. And coming back into the city - it would often be backed up.

No matter where you decide to live, car should be required either for commuting purposes or if you're living out there.

I live in the Tortuguitas area and agree with this. There is often heavy traffic coming to this area regardless of the time.

If you live in this area, you might even need 2 cars, one for you and another one for your wife.
If you want to live near or in Buenos Aires, I suggest living in one of the northern suburbs. You can find quite a few furnished houses there. Traffic will still be a pain, but since you are out of the city, you will cut a lot of time out of your commute. From my experience it can take up to 30 minutes just to get out of the city during rush hour. And there is no going against traffic inside the city during rush hour.
you,d be better looking at Tigre/San Fernando/Boulogne for much easier access
Hi guys,
By chance I helped my friends locate a furnished house 18 months ago. We looked everywhere on the highway and especially Escobar and Pilar (the husband works for Ford based near Escobar). We saw lots of odd places, but eventually found a lovely gated community called (Septiembre) September. They had appts and 3 - 5 bedroom houses for rent. They are used to renting to foreigners and were so helpful re wiring money, contracts etc. The houses are fully furnished with modern and clean furniture, cultery, glassware etc and the houses in paticular come with a pool and a pool man and gardener who visit once a week. My friends stayed 6 months and paid 54,000 pesos for that time if I recall correctly. Here is the email of the guy we dealt with, Ramon:

This gated community is close to Escobar or aprox 20 mins drive to Pilar...we saw lots of private furnished houses for rental in Pilar too but they were more expensive and were pushing for an annual contract.

Whatever you chose I really suggest you aim to live near where you work as you will have a great quality of life for the family and the city is but a drive away..preferably not in rush hour.

Good luck
Well, Tigre is almost as far as Pilar.

In fact, if you live in or near Pilar and your wife wants to go to Capital, there's a convenient and safe way doing so, it's taking the "57 Express" which is a bus like the long distance ones, everybody gets seated and it goes up to Plaza Italia in BA in about 50 or 60 minutes if there's no traffic.

Pilar is a good place to live from october until april because of the weather (many people from Capital will want to come and see you). From may until september, it's of course a bit dead/cold.
French jurist said:
Well, Tigre is almost as far as Pilar.

In fact, if you live in or near Pilar and your wife wants to go to Capital, there's a convenient and safe way doing so, it's taking the "57 Express" which is a bus like the long distance ones, everybody gets seated and it goes up to Plaza Italia in BA in about 50 or 60 minutes if there's no traffic.

Pilar is a good place to live from october until april because of the weather (many people from Capital will want to come and see you). From may until september, it's of course a bit dead/cold.
I meant from Tigre or Sa Fernando to Pilar,not too far via la ruta 8:)
There's the budget aspect too, but likely your company will pay for the rent, did they give you a limit ?

A good house is Olivos, Martinez, San Isidro, furnished, with pool has a r ent of likely 2500 USD minimum for a short term rental (that's my own guess).

A good house in or around Pilar, with a bigger garden and a bigger pool, furnished would be subject to negotiation (they don't appear on the internet, and can be found from word of mouth) but could probably be found for about 1200/1500 USD.
I pay 500 USD + 100 charges for a 2 floors house in a gated community, unfurnished, with 2400 m2 (20.000 sq.ft) and a 10x5 meters pool. The house is not in a perfect shape (a bit of infiltrations) but is nice, and the garden is beautiful.