Competing on English soil etc

She was a flight purser before becoming a diplomat. I am she never finished high school
robwerwe said:
Yeah its all getting laughable now as is the RG economy. Oh well...
On that one, Argentina is doing quite better than the UK at the moment....
jimdepalermo said:
On that one, Argentina is doing quite better than the UK at the moment....

I would like to know where all the money is going if the Argentine economy is doing so well? Have you been in a public hospital in Argentina lately? An Argentinean school? I have and they are disgraceful. Give me a stuttering UK economy any day.
expatinowncountry said:
Attacking people instead of arguments: B O R I N G

Nope, was just pointing out some facts and forgot the word sure as well between am and she
Here is another one

Cristina's PA for the last 8 year only got the job because her mom was a nanny for Florencia
expatinowncountry said:
Attacking people instead of arguments: B O R I N G

Normally I would agree with you on that but I don't think there was a single ARGUMENT made in that 12 minute long video. There was a lot of "I am poor because the other guy is rich, so let's all gang up on him" kind of talk against GB but nothing solid.

To me, "Come to Argentina for friendship and not just for the wine, meat (meat now sucks anyway for the most part) and tango" line is pathetic. "We are friendly people" has nothing to do with "give us the Falkland islands back".

What do you do when you're listening to someone who you think will have some sort of solid argument, one way or another, only comes up with stuff that is so dumb that it will either piss you off or make you laugh? Well I would say that you can react in only two possible ways: Break your monitor in anger or turn the situation in an opportunity for comic relief.

I would do the latter and I think that's what others are doing.

What you can't do is argue with an idiot on the basis of their arguments, because they never have any arguments...just random crap thrown at random times in the hopes that it sticks.
scotttswan said:
If you want a laugh watch this.

Its sad that she's the official ambassador. Can you imagine how bad the others are?

Embarassing....cannot hold a fluid structured debate without resorting to her print outs and prepared speech, losing her train of thought etc...makes 6th form debating look advanced!