Cost of breaking lease

Thanks all - Yeah we have a good relationship - we've been friends for over a year, and are both pretty easy going, bill paying types of people. In the event that there's a problem we will work it out.

My concern is mostly what role the guarantia plays in the breaking of a lease - I want to make sure that as long as I pay a fee or whatever, nothing bad will happen to their name or credit or something like that....

Does anyone have a story about breaking a lease maybe?
Going after the garantia is a last resource. If you pay your rent and the fees stated in your contract for early termination and the place is in good condition, you shouldn´t worry about anything.
As nikad said, the guarantia is only in serious cases, if you squatted or left the place a disaster. It's not for "every day" common things like ending a lease early. That should be defined in your contract.

Good luck!