Cost of Living



What are typical costs?
maybe leaving the canadian winters behind someday
Just type "cost of living" or "prices" in the search box and start reading.

Keep in mind that by the time you get here anything and/or everything could double, triple, or quadruple in price. For example, meat and cheese have more than doubled in the past four years and immigration fees have at least tripled. Recently the income requirements for foreign resident and retirement visas almost quadrupled. Rents and real estate prices in better neighborhoods have increased at a much slower pace, and range from about 30% to 50% more than four years ago.

I have a good Canadian friend who is returning there to live (with his Argentine wife) after living in BA and Montevideo for the past few years, even though the grass is greener here a couple more months of the year.
Yes, read the forum for sure.

Then be aware that we have about 30% inflation (despite what the Argentine equivalent of StatsCan says)

I'm from Vancouver, when I arrived 5 years ago, it felt like a bargain. Now I'm sick and tired of hearing visitors complaining that it's not as cheap as they expected (because they were basing their info on that stupid NY Style mag article that floats around the internet and was written in about 2002).

Cost of living on some things (for me, rent) much cheaper. On others much higher -- ie my private insurance is over CAD$150 a month -- when I signed up it was still more than what I paid in BC but was around about CAD$80.

Your best before you do anything rash and sell all your belongings is to maybe just come for a visit. It is a great city with a good climate, but my wallet is definitely feeling the pinch and if I'm going to end up poor, I'd rather do it in Canada.

Most of the couples I know from Canada have already gone, some are in the process, and we won't be surprised if we end up back there too within the next couple of years.