

Mar 4, 2014
Hi everyone

I'm trying to become a 'monotributista' at afip. They ask you for two different certificates. The police one, which I have, and some other. Has any of you already done this paperwork? How did you manage to get a notary's certificate?
I'm panicking over so much bureaucracy!!!! Help please!
I am in the process now, heading to the AFIP office that corresponds to my residence tomorrow morning; I'll report back what I find out!
Thought this might help. How to get a CUIT. First you get a CUIT through the AFIP webpage. Then you can either sign up for monotributista on-line or directly at the agency. If you go in person you must take orgiginal and photocopy of DNI, a bill (electricity, gas, telephone, Rentas) in your name, which counts as a constancia or proof of address, but if you rent an apartment you must take the rental agreement which must be certified in a bank. You can also have an escribano prepare and acta de constancion notorial, or take

Deberas presentarte en el AFIP mas cercano a tu domicilio.
Una vez alli deberas presentar: fotocopia DNI 1, 2 hoja y cambio de comicilio aunque no tengas hecho un cambio. Fotocopia de 2 (dos) impuestos (Luz, gas,telefono, rentas) para constatar el domicilio legal y si alquilas, el contrato de Locacion debidamente certificado en el banco (nunca dejes Originales) siempre son fotocopias, pero si debes llevar los originales para que constaten.-

tenés que llevar a la Agencia dos constancias que acrediten el domicilio fiscal. Estas constancias pueden ser:
• certificado de domicilio expedido por autoridad policial
• acta de constatación notarial
• fotocopia de alguna factura de servicio público a nombre del contribuyente o responsable
• fotocopia del título de propiedad o contrato de alquiler o de "leasing", del inmueble cuyo domicilio se denuncia
• fotocopia del extracto de cuenta bancaria o del resumen de tarjeta de crédito, cuando el solicitante sea el titular de tales servicios
• fotocopia de la habilitación municipal o autorización municipal equivalente, cuando la actividad del solicitante se ejecute en inmuebles que requieran de la misma

Por lo tanto, una vez que das de alta el número de CUIT en la Agencia y te dan una clave fiscal, ingresás por internet y realizás la adhesión.
the thing is I live in a shared flat and so I have no bills to take. today I phoned a notary and she said that that certificate can only be made if I have a bill
Do you already have your DNI? That's first.

Second, if you rent and don't have bills, you just need to take a copy of your rental agreement. If you don't have one, ask for one. Then take that along with your certificado de domicilio and DNI. You'll need photocopies of each.
I don't have one bill, agreement, anything but a "pre-paid Movistar & pre-paid SUBE card" in my name.

I guess that I'm never getting a CUIT.
@Napolean That is what the police certificate of you address is for, for situations like that. People who live in villas can get CUITs.
What is the purpose of a CUIT? Also, CUIL is from ANSES.