Dólar Blue Paranoia

Alicia karr

Sep 21, 2010
I'm worrying that I'm becoming a conspiracy theorist! I had been relying over the last several months, on the dollar "cotización" postings in La Nacion, as the most accurate listing. They update frequently during the day, and I usually compare several sites to decide on authenticity. Up until this week la Nacion seemed to always be on the money (haha). But I became suspicious this week when the dollar wasn't going up--given the antecedents that usually prognosticate an upward trend: coming long weekend, coming summer vacation, coming bonuses, fed reserves at all time lows, rumors of farther restrictions....when I literally couldn't believe (according to La Nacions site)that the blue hadn't gone up, I checked around, and sure enough the other sites quoted 9.9 to La Nacions 9.83. (Which they've posted for the last two days)..even the BA Herald was more accurate!
Hmmmm...I know Moreno wanted to "fix" a rate. I know that Maduro wants it to be a crime to publish the rate. I know that Clarin group, (which own La Nacion, no?) are under legal pressure..and so I just began to wonder (am I "sick" to think like this?) if this low quote isn't part of some tacit compliance between them and the powers that be to be a pawn in the governments attempts at currency manipulation? Maybe I've been living here too long or reading too many postings on this forum....
When the rates go above or near 10 (or whatever rate the government doesn't like), the government sends AFIP agents to crack down on blue dollar trading. Trading in blue dollar is halted while AFIP has an eye on things. When trading opens again, there is lower demand than when there was no halt. The price goes down because of lower demand (also because people are watching to make sure they don't get in trouble). It takes a while for the rate to get back up.

There doesn't seem to be anything weird going on. Its the usual cycle that I've noticed for as long as the blue dollar's been around.


The difference in rates is common too. I've seen different rates on Herald and ambito more times than I care to remember. This isn't a regulated market. And it is a very small market. Rates can fluctuate around a little.
I check these two site: http://www.ambito.com/economia/mercados/monedas/dolar/ ; http://dolarblue.net/ .

One is usually more accurate than the other, but that's just going on the fact that I know my cueva (a brother of a good friend who works for a cueva office downtown) always gives me 0,20c below selling price, and that is always in line with one if not both of the websites above. Maybe I could get a better rate if I 'shopped around' down on Florida or if I trade larger amounts, but I'm holding out because my timing always seems to be wrong and I trade more than I needed to right before a big rise (or alternatively wait too long and then it falls again!) Tricky game, this speculation!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen: publishing the blue rate in Venezuela IS a crime, and soon it will be here too.
If I were you guys, I´d start stockpiling non-perishable food, I have heard rumors about supermaket riots here in next December, (as there was in Caracas). And we have been copycats of every Venezuelan sin, so far.
Not every sin. We still have toilet paper and unarmed electro domestics stores:)
I guess paranoia is proportionate!
Ladies and Gentlemen: publishing the blue rate in Venezuela IS a crime, and soon it will be here too.
If I were you guys, I´d start stockpiling non-perishable food, I have heard rumors about supermaket riots here in next December, (as there was in Caracas). And we have been copycats of every Venezuelan sin, so far.

Gordito Golpista....! :D
Ladies and Gentlemen: publishing the blue rate in Venezuela IS a crime, and soon it will be here too.
If I were you guys, I´d start stockpiling non-perishable food, I have heard rumors about supermaket riots here in next December, (as there was in Caracas). And we have been copycats of every Venezuelan sin, so far.

I was thinking of buying a nice 42" LG TV. Then I saw the news from Venezuela yesterday. Now my plan is to wait until the gov'ment says I can run in and get it at 50% off.
Ha ha, when you get it all figured out let me know. More stuff to confuse the issue.



I always use this site: http://dolarblue.net/

I will be changing some more dollars again shortly...