Daily Url, Sep 15


Staff member
Sep 22, 2012
Monday, 14 September

South American Signs, Part 5: The Subte (Buenos Aires)[The Life Less Travelled]
Found in the Subte (the Subte -rrainean rail network of Buenos Aires)...

Mafalda[Buenos Aires Daily]
You all recognized this little girl ? Of course you do, this is Mafalda. Born in 1957, it is a fictional character, protagonist of the comic ...

Epidemic Exposes Hospital Flaws [WSJ]
In Argentina, swine flu has spurred health workers to demand better conditions...

Federer stunned by del Potro in US Open final[Yahoo Sports]
Two points from victory against inexperienced, unheralded Juan Martin del Potro of Argentina ...

Sunday, 13 September

Argentina's Economic Collapse: Social Genocide[CosmoLearning]
Documentary from 2004. The events that wiped out the middle class in Argentina raising the 57.5% (video) ...

Saturday, 12 September

This weekend i couldn't get enough sun and fresh air... i also couldn't stop admiring the blue blue sky and the tiny new leaves on the trees...

Those Gorgeous Argentinians[Romancing Argentina]
How about that! In today's msn.com , "Countries With the Best-Looking Locals" puts Argentina up there with Australia, India, Brazil, Venezuela, Thailand, Japan, etc. To quote the a...

Friday, 11 September

Argentina’s Most Watched YouTube Video[The Argentine Post]
... is that it dispels a couple of myths about the country. One of those myths is that the cops are all bad, all untrustworthy, corrupt scalawags.

FIBA - Buenos Aires International Theater Festival 2009[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
Organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires, the International Buenos Aires Festival (Festival Internacional de Buenos Aires -FIBA) , will take place between October 5th and...

Argentina site of world's biggest crater field[Cosmos Magazine]
Argentina can lay claim to the world's largest crater field: a volcanic area in Patagonia known as the Devil's Slope, according to a new study.

Nip and tuck on a budget in Argentina[CNN]
James Brandon is concerned about getting old and looking older. So the 44-year-old events planner from Canada decided on plastic surgery to help bring his boyish looks back.
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