Dating in BA


Jun 19, 2011
So, I'm heading out to BA in less than a week. From the posts I've read, it seems (for women at least) that finding a nice Argentine guy is pretty hard.

Are there any women expats out there who have found nice Argentine guys, and how would I go about finding them during my stay there. I won't be near the city center. Does that make things harder/easier?

Many thanks!
Though I'm not a woman neither argentine but I'm confident argentine males are the same like any other man you would find on Earth because males are pretty simple.

If you don't have any friends yet but you're easygoing with your femininity, you can try the tango shows, take a few lessons, explore the pubs and restaurants by yourself. What I meant is if you know how to use your female power in an active manner. I don't mean you have to be the hunter but you put more efforts to build up the contact than the general passive female habits.

If this may not be your style then the process is the same like everywhere: go to the gym, take spanish or other lessons, have a chat with your landlord/landlady, with your flatmates, built up relationships and so on. Socialize, that's all.
I don't know what the poster above me is talking about. From what I can tell the only things you need in argentina to attract argentine men is to be in argentina. I think the problem is finding a "good one" because they'll be on you like flys on cowpies baby.
Sherlock, the problem is always to find a "good one" and for that no direct advice can be given. Not with argentine, swedish or martian males. This is why she has to socialize because finding a nice person among friends has astronomically better chances than anywhere else.
I agree with everything everyone else has said, it's all about finding a "good one"!
I found a wonderful Argentine man's possible! Met him at a party, after meeting a friend of his at El Alamo. Suerte!
It depends what you like. Argentinian men are like Italian, Spanish, etc., some girls like that, some don't. Argentinian women are Spanish-Italian too, and they're found universally attractive! But the ones in BA have an attitude problem...
fvrconst said:
What kind of attitude problem?

They have an entitlement complex and a pricess complex almost as bad as that of American girls. The difference is that Argentinian girls are actually hot and slim, as opposed to chubby and gross, but still...they're not particularly pleasant overall. There's a word for it, "histericismo" that's common to describe them.

A lot of it is wanting to emulate NY, and another part is the therapist culture in BA that encourages narcissism and other bad things.
polostar88 said:
They have an entitlement complex and a pricess complex almost as bad as that of American girls. The difference is that Argentinian girls are actually hot and slim, as opposed to chubby and gross, but still...they're not particularly pleasant overall. There's a word for it, "histericismo" that's common to describe them.

A lot of it is wanting to emulate NY, and another part is the therapist culture in BA that encourages narcissism and other bad things.

Partially agreed, however, women are supposed to to be a bit nuts; I speculate that the only reason it's more noticeable here is because they embrace their femininity unlike their chubby, gross, androgynous American competition. In that sense, I view it as a positive thing.
CedarPawn said:
Partially agreed, however, women are supposed to to be a bit nuts; I speculate that the only reason it's more noticeable here is because they embrace their femininity unlike their chubby, gross, androgynous American competition. In that sense, I view it as a positive thing.

But girls in Brazil and other parts of the world, like Japan, are also feminine, yet without being nuts like the Argentinian. I don't like women who yell, scream, throw fits, and make up all kinds of ridiculous, convoluted reasons to get dramatic.

The American girl is the same, and has a very inflated view of her sexual market value, but the Argentinian comes close. Yes it's more excusable because they're not fat, but it still sucks.