Look, calculate what you're going to be gaining and how much you're prepared to lose if you don't gain anything.
You have several options here.
You can take the word of the Chase Bank rep (I am not saying he's lying) and take that gamble. I call it a gamble because the peso is a highly UNtrusted currency right now for obvious reasons. Rules regarding it will change on a weekly basis, if not daily.
You can convert your pesos here to a more respected and less erratic currency (Brazilian Reals?). I am not suggesting a currency per se, but there are economies in South America that are doing far better than the Argentine economy in real terms. You can go with their currencies. Take that currency with you and get it converted in the US to Dollars. You stand to lose this way but you won't be at the mercy of people from this forum.
I don't know what the controls are regarding other currencies so you will have to look into that.
You will have to accept a loss this way but you won't have to wait till the last minute where if you did that you stand to lose everything you have in pesos.
Do some research (how long do you have to go anyway?) and if you need help, I can help you too (after the 16th, I am busy with exams till then). Just drop me a PM if you want.