I have been spotting around a lot of DepiLife offices around town. They say they do medical epilation with laser. I have tried IPL (Intense pulsed light) back home and it didn't give any result whatsoever, but it was at a beautician and not at a doctor office.
Depilite uses the Soprano XL laser and they have dermatologists working there, not estheticians. I've had sessions with them with good results but I picked them because I like the Soprano. Some places use ND Yag: it often depends on which equipment they use not only on the expertise of the doctor.
Depilite uses the Soprano XL laser and they have dermatologists working there, not estheticians. I've had sessions with them with good results but I picked them because I like the Soprano. Some places use ND Yag: it often depends on which equipment they use not only the expertise of the doctor.
I've been getting depliacion definitiva laser for 14 years and it's never permanent. To kill most of the hair, depending on the color of your hair and skin tone, it takes around 10 sessions. Of course that varies per person. As women age and their hormones change the hair might grow back and you might have to get touch ups.
Contact Dra Gleiser on Malabia street at "estetiqueonline". She is a dermatologyst and is aware of the latest news in her expertise. Usually she is an speaker at the International Congress of this area.
I don't mind for touch up as long as I can stop waxing and worrying too much about my body hair.
I went to my dermatologist and her rate is higher than DepiLife, because they are currently running a promo where you get 6 sessions for the price of 3. Plus, it is just 2 blocks from my house, whirl my dermatologist works at
hospital italiano in Almagro, which is more than 1 hour from here.