Here you go. Seems like the telenovela is going strong.
Dear DAAR members,
I write to tell you that on Sunday, January 31, the following were elected to the Executive Committee of Democrats Abroad Argentine Republic:
Michael Skowronek – Chair
Deby Novitz – Vice Chair
Frank Almedia – Treasurer
Marta Motta – Secretary
Matthew Johnson – Legal Counsel
Thirty-one members were present at the meeting and 80 ballots were cast.
As many of you know, this was a highly contentious campaign. Late in the process, as Mike established what he called a slate of “progressives”, other candidates entered the race.
Eric Alvino ran for Chair, Elissa Hambrecht for Vice Chair, Beth Cushman for Treasurer and Cate Kelly for Secretary.
You may be more than a little interested in the closeness of the race. Mike won by seven votes, both Deby (Vice Chair) and Marta (Secretary) won by one vote and Frank (Treasurer) won by thirteen votes. Matthew (Legal Counsel) was unopposed and gathered 62 votes.
During the vote count, I used the time to offer my personal thanks to Beatrice Murch and Diana Aiello who worked tirelessly to make this election process work in an open and inclusive manner, too frequently in the face of charges of bias. I also offered my thanks to all who were standing for election and to the members of the previous Executive Committee who worked so diligently to get out the vote for Nov. 4. I then offered a brief overview of how DAAR fits within Democrats Abroad (officially the Democratic Party Committee Abroad or DPCA) and how the DPCA fits within the DNC (the Democratic National Committee which is the formal governing agency of the Party).
But, you should also know, that I spoke about the disfunctionality of the previous Executive Committee, a situation that arose during the latter days of the ’08 campaign and that resulted in my involvement in this local election process. I noted that attempts were made to resolve the situation, including a proposed meeting of the membership to remove the chair, but failed.
Finally, dear colleagues, as the vote count continued outside of the meeting, I offered to the members present and now to you my admonition (fully supported by the DPCA leadership) that the new Executive Committee must work as a team, that top down management in not leadership, that the responsibility and authority for the governance of DAAR rests not in the Chair but in the duly constituted Executive Committee which in turn derives its authority from the membership, and that the Chair is more the servant of the Executive Committee than its master. I noted that the maintenance of the DAAR database is the responsibility of the Secretary and that the Treasurer is responsible for all funds and financial record keeping and reporting.
A truncated treasurer’s report was presented by me indicating that the current balance in the DAAR treasury is, after meeting expenses, approximately AR$2,500.
In closing, as the vote count was ending, I urged the membership to consider two Bylaws amendments: (1) to change the mandatory time for the DAAR Annual Meeting from January of each year to the first quarter of each year (thereby avoiding the holiday and vacation period in Argentina) and (2) to enlarge the Executive Committee by adding two members at large (not holding a specific office).
After the results of the election were announced by me, I repeated my admonition to the new Executive Committee, noting that, should the kind of previous disfunctionality occur (whether within the Executive Committee or within the membership at large), that the DPCA would have no hesitation in decertifying DAAR as a country committee.
The meeting was then turned over to the newly election Chair, Mike Skowronek who immediately sought a motion to adjourn which he received and which was seconded. He then adjourned the meeting.
On a personal note, I have had a great time visiting Buenos Aires. Beatrice and Diana were incredibly gracious hosts. I cannot thank them enough…
Respectfully submitted,
Joe Green, DPCA Vice Chair for the Americas