Did you learn to speak Spanish as an adult?


Guille Amejka

Are you fluent in Spanish and did you learn it as an adult?

If you learned a second language (Spanish) as an adult I would love to interview you for my project. The interview will only take about an hour.
Please refrain from providing me tips or advice on Spanish schools. Instead let me know if you are interested in meeting with me. I have some fun and interesting questions that we can discuss on the interview.

We can meet in a café for a coffee, beer or glass of wine (my treat).

Thanks in advance!


P. S. I am sure you will find the conversation enjoyable and we can meet at your favorite café.


We had corresponded a bit before and I kind of dropped the ball on following up with you, but I am still interested in meeting up for a coffee and an interview.

Thanks Philip!

We can arranage a day / time via e-mail.

I need to interveiw several people, so if anyone one else qualifies and would like to meet, please let me know.

