Diversity! Go Argentina!

multiculturalism is simply another method using race/culture to divide us and exploit our differences. sure it sounds great on the surface but is far different in intention and practice. stop giving energy to people's differences and they will no longer be different.

as morgan freeman told mike wallace in a 60 minutes interview: "Want To End Racism? Stop Talking About It!"

not to mention that the graph is simply not accurate as it relates to argentina. as another poster mentioned, many argentines look down on other countries and races, especially the "lessor" south american countries and the "chinos".
nesika said:
Hola French jurist Que tal :)

Have you ever been in Serbia?

Oops, I'm going to get criticized :cool:.

What I mean when comparing France to Serbia or Switzerland is that it doesn't make sense to see that France is supposed to be two times less opened to diversity. Regarding Serbia, I'm referring to the image those soccer hooligans give of your country (when they, for instance, killed a French soccer fan). Hooliganism & racism apply to France as well of course, but it does not make sense to see France being rated two times worst.
Not mentionning the nationalism in Serbia which is a reality and which is taking preoccupating proportions in France (and in Europe in general).

Nothing against the Serbians, just talking about the comparative rating which is somehow irrational.
No worries French jurist ;)

Just asked a question and wanted to invite you... in a case you are interested in visiting Serbia :)
nesika said:
No worries French jurist ;)

Just asked a question and wanted to invite you... in a case you are interested in visiting Serbia :)

Don't invite me as I might just come ! :p
You are welcome :) I am not even kidding!

Spring is the best. If I am not there, I will have my friends show you around.

However, before you decide please check these:


"While the people are some of the friendliest in the world, the one complaint I heard is that they are still being punished after suffering enough because of Slobodan Milosevic. To try to simplify the situation in one of the world's most historically complex countries would be foolish - it's best not to engage in political conversation, plenty blame the West for 1999, but visitors receive a very warm welcome."


If you like partying don't miss this one:


and the last, but not least :)


Merci pour votre attention ;-)