Dni Help, (I Apologize In Advance If This Is Redundant)

Steveinbsas, he has the full permanent residency already, and has had it for 5 years. The problem is he never applied for the DNI and now every time we travel they insist he must get it asap. Do you know if he needs to do the FBI thing all over again or does he just present his visa paperwork? Thanks!
I see now that all you need is passport, apostilled birth certificate and residency papers. Phew!
I see now that all you need is passport, apostilled birth certificate and residency papers. Phew!

Your husband will only need to present an apostilled birth certificate if he is under sixteen years of age.

From the link in your last post:

DNI | Original - Primera vez


• Identidad: Deberá acreditar su identidad con documento válido y vigente al efecto (Pasaporte o Certificado de nacionalidad para todos los países, Cedula de Identidad solo para Estados miembros y asociados al MERCOSUR)

• Radicación temporaria (con un mínimo de 60 días de vigencia al momento de presentarse a hacer el trámite) o permanente expedida por la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones.

Partida de Nacimiento: solo es necesaria para los menores de 16 años. Debe estar legalizada mediante Apostille, Visado del Consulado Argentino en el País emisor del documento o Consulado del país emisor en Argentina (solo para Países miembros y Estados asociados el MERCOSUR).
I obtained an appt for my husband to apply for his DNI (he has had permanent residency for years, just needs the DNI) but on the appt slip it says it's for citizens and he's not a citizen, plus it says "anexo mercosur" which looks as if it's only for mercosur foreigners. I couldn't find where else to apply for a dni extranjero appointment. This is the link I went to to make the appt. Is this right?
Thanks in advance!