Dni Renewal


Jul 17, 2011
I have searched the forums and am not clear on what I need to do. Any help is appreciated.

I have had a DNI since 1971, renewed in 1984 - when I came into the country a couple of weeks ago, I was told by immigrations that I need to renew my DNI by the end of the year. I went on the "Direccion Nacional de Migracines" website and read all the appropriate info and not sure I understand - after all this time, maybe my spanish is not as good as I think. My question is the following: Can I renew at a Centro de Documentacion Rapida?

I think only citizens can renew their DNI there. Residents have to go to Registro Nacional de las Personas. On their website you can make a appointment.
Thank you Nlaruccia!

I tried to make an appointment online, but they don't have the option of DNI renewal. I have copied some of the info I am reading, what do you guys think, should I try at a Centro de Documentacion Rapida???

Tradicional:[background=rgb(248, 248, 248)] para los extranjeros cuya situación migratoria los habilite, podrán gestionarlo ante las oficinas de los Registros Civiles del País o en los Centros de Documentación Rápida habilitados para este fin por la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones. En ambos casos lo recibe en su domicilio. [/background]Es el adecuado para aquellos extranjeros que ya cuentan con residencia permanente o temporaria vigente en el país.
Thank you Nlaruccia!

I tried to make an appointment online, but they don't have the option of DNI renewal. I have copied some of the info I am reading, what do you guys think, should I try at a Centro de Documentacion Rapida???

Tradicional:[background=rgb(248, 248, 248)] para los extranjeros cuya situación migratoria los habilite, podrán gestionarlo ante las oficinas de los Registros Civiles del País o en los Centros de Documentación Rápida habilitados para este fin por la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones. En ambos casos lo recibe en su domicilio. [/background]Es el adecuado para aquellos extranjeros que ya cuentan con residencia permanente o temporaria vigente en el país.

You have to go with the option " nuevo DNI" and for perm residents you have to do it through Migraciones:



Fill out the rest, then when you get the menu Tipo de TRamite:


The rest is easy. Your appointment will be at CENTRO DE DOCUMENTACIÓN RÁPIDA -[background=rgb(248, 248, 248)] [/background]SEDE HIPÓLITO YRIGOYEN -DIRECCIÓN NACIONAL DE MIGRACIONES
[background=rgb(248, 248, 248)]Hipólito Yrigoyen 952 – Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires [/background]

** This info works if you are a perm resident living in the City of BsAs and the domicile on your DNI matches your current one ( as the new DNI will be delivered there )
Oh no…my DNI does not have my current address on it. What do I do now? Do they take walk ins?
Oh no…my DNI does not have my current address on it. What do I do now? Do they take walk ins?
No, they don´t. In that case you are going to have to get a " Certificado de Domicilio " for that you have to go to the Police station that belongs to your domicile, and they will deliver it - usually next day or so - with that you get your turno for new DNI and once there they will do the cambio the domicilio, etc
Okay, got it… you are a life saver!!! Thank you so very much.
Nikad works for a fee too, you know.. Am sure she can appreciate some paid " consulta " as well !