Do I need a visa to stay beyond 90 days?


Feb 27, 2009

I've been visiting Buenos Aires for 3 weeks to dance tango and am scheduled to leave after 3 months. I do not have a visa, do I need to get one to stay beyond 90 days? If so, how and where do I apply for one and approximately how long does it take to get one?

Thank you for the information,

Patrick :)
Hi, you must already have a visa, you get that automatically when you arrive, it is the stamp in your passport which says 90 day. You have to renew it within that time if you want to stay longer. Either you need to go to Migraciones (near Retiro station) and pay $100 and they will renew it for another 90 days, or you will need to take a daytrip to Uruguay. For a second renewal you have to leave the country. It seems that you can do this ad infinitum.
Maydesantelmo is correct in that your visa is your passport stamp. The cost of renewal, an every other time process, at migraciones is cheap (100 pesos) and fairly easy, also an experience. So is going to Uruguay, or any other country, Brazil, etc. If you leave and come back you are on a new visit, even if it's only for an hour, it's a new visit. There is no limit to how often you visit Argentina or how long you have to be gone for it to count as new. Out and back in is fine. Going to Montevideo or Colonia is also an experience, but a somewhat more expensive one. Taking the boat over there is significantly more than just paying the fine at the airport when you leave (please note that I have no personal experience with that because I am a resident). What I hear is that the fine is about $150 pesos at the airport and that applies no matter how long you've gone over. I would personally suggest getting to the airport VERY early though if you plan to do that so that if it takes any extra time you're covered. I have many friends who've let their visa expire and none of them have any trouble getting out, or back in, they've just paid the small fine on exiting. There is ever the possibility that at any moment and without any notification the fines for that could go up though...

HotYogaTeacher said:
What I hear is that the fine is about $150 pesos at the airport and that applies no matter how long you've gone over.


I've always read that the fine is 50 pesos at the airport. Never experienced it because I keep my visa updated, but just so people are informed...has that fine gone up?
Last I heard, the airport fine is 50 pesos.

Unless they have raised the fine, if you pay more you are getting screwed.

Alexexpat said his son paid $100 dollars.

Just say NO, bro....
Lee said:
That is less than a whore so why are you concerned you cheap bastard.

What makes you think I have to pay for sex...or that I'm cheap..or a bastard?

PS: My parents were married when I was born.
TrickMc1 said:

I've been visiting Buenos Aires for 3 weeks to dance tango and am scheduled to leave after 3 months. I do not have a visa, do I need to get one to stay beyond 90 days? If so, how and where do I apply for one and approximately how long does it take to get one?

Thank you for the information,

Patrick :)

Here are the details:

Go to the Office of Migraciones at Av. Antártida Argentina 1355 before your 90 days are up.

Enter the building and go around the information counter (to the right).

When you get past the information counter, look to the left and you will see an entry to the "main" room. There may be a line. There will be a desk at the doorway and they will ask what you are there for. They may just ask what country you are from. In either case, you will be given a number and directed to the "prorrogas de permanencia" section (to the left near the front of the building).

All you need to say is that you would like an additional 90 days. They won't ask any questions (beyond polite conversation...if you don't speak the lingo it won't be a problem).

You will than be directed to the caja at the back of the room to pay the $100 peso fee, return to the desk, and they will stamp your passport.

I don't think you need to take any photocopies, but it never hurts to have one (showing both the poto page and the page with your original enty stamp).

After you have the 90 day "extension" it's a good idea to make a new photo copy of your passport to carry with you (instead of the actual passport). That way, you can show you are legally here if there is ever a question.
Just wanted to add that you should go to migraciones two or three days before you tourist visa expires! will only get 90 more days from that date.